Ember Rufflizards in MH Wilds
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How to capture Ember Rufflizard in Monster Hunter Wilds (Dareel’s Research Report Cont.)

Better brings some Cold Drinks...

Dareel’s Research Report quest takes a turn as it continues into the endgame of Monster Hunter Wilds. This time, you must capture Ember Rufflizard, an Oilwell Basin Endemic Life creature. We’ll go over this monster’s distinct location and the rewards provided in this mission.

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Where to find Ember Rufflizards in MH Wilds

During Chapter 4-2, you’ll unlock Dareel’s Research Report Cont. side quest in Windward Plains. Talk to Dareel, and he’ll send you to Oilwell Basin to discover the Ember Ruffilizard. You’ll find these creatures at Oilwell Basin’s Zone 15, where you fought the Black Flame previously.

Zone 15 in Oilwell Basin map
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Since Ember Ruffilizards linger around volcanic areas, you must head towards Basin’s most heated environment. If it gets too hot, ensure to use Cold Drinks to keep your health intact. You can spot the lizards through their distinct light green glow.

Ember Rufflizards walking on lava
Screenshot by Destructoid

Fortunately, you don’t have to worry about scaring them off with any sudden movement, differing from a Sandstar. Simply whip out your Capture Net and use it to get the Ember Rufflizard. They typically travel in groups, so you can catch more of theā„±m for additional Guild Points.

Return to Dareel to complete his latest Research Report quest. Soon after, you’ll also trigger Samin’s quest involving the Iceshard Cliff’s Rime Beetle. There will still be a few more Endemic Life missions to complete, so do your best to raise your Hunter Rank to unlock more.

All Dareel’s Research Report Cont. rewards

Dareel will reward you with 10 Might Seeds and five Honey. Might Seeds increase your attack strength temporarily, while Honey is perfect for healing potions. I suggest carrying Honey with you at all times, just in case you need to craft a potion. Plus, you can utilize it for the First Aid Med, an item that only unlocks during Monster Hunter Wilds quests.

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Image of Kristina Ebanez
Kristina Ebanez
Staff Writer
Staff Writer - Kristina has been a video game lover ever since she saw Solid Snake get under that cardboard box in Metal Gear Solid. She continues to show off her love for gaming and has been writing about it for more than two years. Aside from the Metal Gear Solid series, she enjoys playing The Sims, Call of Duty, Disney Dreamlight Valley, Horizon Forbidden West, Minecraft, and many more.