One of the player characters from Rogue: Genesia running on a light blue map that looks like tundra.
Image by Gamersky Games

How To Evolve Any Weapon In Rogue: Genesia

Who doesn't enjoy the feeling of a Singularity Gland in their hands.

As it is tradition for the genre, going back even before Vampire Survivor, random equipment drops are an important element of Rogue: Genesia. A𝓰nd just like its inspiration, the most important part about random equipment drops is how t💖hey play together.

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On the one hand, this means making sure your equipment card have some synergy. For example, if accumulate a big bonus on projectile speed, you should pick up a lot of projectile-based weapons. On the other hand, there’s a much more direct way to optimize equipment: Evolved weapons.

If you’ve ever played Vampire Survivor, you will recognize those as Evolutions. Similar to Evolutions, Evolved Weapons in Rogue: Genesia like normal weapons, with two big differences. They’re much better than a normal weapon, and they can’t be found normally when leveling up. Instead, an Evolved weapon is more like an upgrade, or better yet a mix of two max level items, one of which is always a weapon. Here’s how you can find Evolved weapons yourself.

Every Rogue: Genesia weapon evolution and how to get it

The soul-card selection screen from Rogue: Genesia, the player is selecting the evolved weapon Staff of Storms.
Image by Gamersky Games

This is a list of every Evolved weapon in Rogue: Genesia. Keep in mind that you need to have all the weapon-type Requirement cards at max level before you can find the Evolved weapon as a random drop. Not every card that appears as a requirement will be available at the start of ﷽the game, but you can unlock the vast majority of them by playing the game normally.

Some weapons’ requirement have requirements of their own. Those are highlighted with an asterisk (*) and described in detail below.

Requirement 1Requirement 2Requirement 3Requirement 4Evolved Weapon
PikeLight SpiritArcane BeamArcanic Lance
Ice NovaArcane BeamExplosive VialAngelic Prism
Shaman StaffMagic WandArcanist’s Staff
KatanaFire SpiritArtificier’s Katana
CrossbowThrowing KnifeBallista
CleaverSwordrangDivine Smite*Death Scythe
BowExplosive VialExplosive Bow
Fire RingDeath AuraJaald’s Amulet
ShurikenKunaiFuuma Shuriken
KatanaWind’s BladeSilph’s Blade
Worm GlandVoid Spirit*Singularity Gland
SpearLight SpiritSola’s Lance
Thunder StaffThunder SpiritStaff of Storm
Crystal SwordFire SpiritLight SpiritCleaverSun Sword
Thunder StaffExplosive VialThunder Vial
Magic WispVoid Spirit*Void Wisp

To craft Divine Smite, which is required to find Dea꧑th Scythe, first find Absolute Focus and Analysis. Unlike🐟 weapons, you do not need to level up those cards to the maximum level before Void Spirit can appear.

To craft Void Spirit, which is required 💫to find Void Wisp and Singularity Gland, you have to first find Candle, Low Pressure, Studen🍌t, and Void. Again, not all those cards need to be leveled up as high as possible.

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