There are plenty of ways to spruce up your home in Enshrouded, but nothing elevates a room like a full bookcase. By gathering old books from all over the world, you can craft new texts to give your home 𝕴that library chic vibe.
Ther🐼e’s good news for the book collectors of the world: before the Shroud showed up, seemingly everyone in Embervale was a big reader. In almost every building I’ve visited, there’s been at least a few books to find, and some houses are chock full of them.

Where to find Old Books in Enshrouded
You can even find books at the occasional abandoned camp, but houses are where you’re going to get the best haul.
There are a handful of different abandoned settlements to explore throughout the world, and I’ve had particular luck finding books in a little village called Harvest Homestead, west of the Springlands Fast Travel point. The large house in the center of town is practically overflowing with books. There’s some in every room of the house, including the basement, which also happens to be a good place to grab a few fur patches.
When you get your old books back to base, the Alchemist can turn them from useless old junk into usable home decor. Unfortunately, the old books that remain in Embervale are all in pretty rough shape, so you’ll need at least 40 of them to make a single decoration, and 🌞you’ll need 80 to make a fancy-looking stack of new books. The reconstructed books will show up either in your inventory, and you can move them into your hotbar to freely place them wherever you’d like.
Published: Jan 26, 2024 9:53 PM UTC