How to get Thatch in Towers of Aghasba

How to find thatch in Towers of Aghasba

Hidden in the bushes

You’ll need Thatch early on in Towers of Aghasba to craft most tools and build a lot of the required early-game buildings and structures. While Stones and Wood can be picked up off the ground, Thatch works a little differently. Here’s how to find Thatch in Towers of Aghasba and the easiest way to farm it.

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Where to get Thatch in Towers of Aghasba
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Where to get Thatch

Instead of looking on the ground for Thatch to pick up, look for brush and shrubs that you can interact with to harvest Thatch. You cannot find Thatch by itself just lying around, so you will have to harvest it from the bushes scattered around the map. It can be a bit tricky to see once you’ve advanced further into evolving the starter Temperate biome, so you may need to turn down some foliage and ground clutter settings to be able to see it.

Once you find a Bush, just hold ‘E’ by default to harvest it. When harvesting a bush, you will either get Fiber or Thatch. Typically you’ll get more than one, and in my experience I’ve gotten up to five Thatch from one Bush harvest.

The best way to farm a lot of Thatch is to just run around the southern Temperate Climate area, which seems to spawn the Bushes rather frequently. You don’t need too much Thatch early, so you should be able to farm up as much as you need here quickly!

What is Thatch for?

In Towers of Aghasba, Thatch is an early-game resource used to craft tools like the Axe, Pickaxe, and Shovel. It’s also used for crafting various early-game weapons like the Spear and Bow.

You’ll also need some Thatch to build various buildings, such as the original farming village post, to progress your first quest in Towers of Aghasba. As you progress into later parts of the game, That𝓀ch no longer becomes a primary resource when constructing various buildings of crafting tools.

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Image of Steven Mills
Steven Mills
Staff Writer
Staff Writer - Steven has been writing in some capacity for over a decade now. He has a passion for story focused RPG's like the Final Fantasy franchise and ARPG's like Diablo and Path of Exile. But really, he's willing to try anything.