Image via Square Enix

How to get all rewards in the FFXIV and FFXV 2024 event, including Regalia

Vroom vroom

A Nocturne for Heroes, the FFXIV x FFXV crossover event, is back in FFXIV. Until March 13, players have the opportunity to ta🌠ke part in the special event quest in order to earn⛦ sought after in-game items and we’ve got the lowdown on you can get everything on offer.

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A Nocturne for Heroes steps

Before you can begin the event quest, you’ll need to have done two things:

  • Reach level 50 in any battle class
  • Complete the Main Scenario Quest “The Ultimate Weapon”

If you’ve got both of these done, you’re good to go. Head to Ul’dah, The Steps of N’ald, and talk to Kipih Jakkya outside the Puꩲgilists Guild in order to begin the first quest of the event, The Man in Black. Completing the event questline will reward you with the Lucian Prince’s attire.

The Man in Black

Reward: Lucian Prince’s Fingerless Glove

  • Investigate the designated area in Central Thanalan (X20.1, Y22.1)
  • Participate in the FATE “Like Clockwork” at the Unholy Heir
  • Wait at the designated location (X23.8, Y18.5)
  • Speak with Cid
  • Head back to Ul’dah and speak with Kipih

In the Dark of Night

Reward: Lucian Prince’s Bottoms

  • Speak with the following NPCs in Gridania
    • Hadrefort (X14.0, Y9.0)
    •  Mitainie (X14.0, Y6.0)
    • Roustebant (X18.0, Y3.0)
  • Report to Kipih at Mih Khetto’s Amphitheatre 
  • Defeat Iseultalon (X16.0, Y23.0) in the Bramble Patch, East Shroud
    • This is a solo instance, so make you’ll have to be out of a party in order to accept this step of the quest.
  • Speak to Noctis
  • Head back to Mih Khetto’s Amphitheatre in Gridania and speak to Kipih 
  • Speak with Noctis (X11.4 Y11.3) at the Black Rabbit Traders’ Stall 

Messenger of the Winds

Reward: Lucian Prince’s Jacket & Lucian Prince’s Boots

  • Speak with Noctis again
  • Speak with Noctis (X20.6, Y16.8) in the Central Shroud
  • Speak with Kipih at Mih Khetto’s Amphitheatre
  • Speak with Kipih outside the Carline Canopy
  • Defeat Garuda
  • Speak with Kipih again

How to get the FFXIV Regalia Mount

The Regalia mount, one possible reward from the FFXIV and FFXV collab.
Image via Square Enix

The Regalia Mount can be purchased by talking to the event NP𒉰C, Ironworks Vendor, within the Gold Saucer. You’ll need to purchase the ‘Regalia Type-G Title’, which costs 200,000 MGP.

How to earn MGP quickly

There’s a few different ways to earn MGP:

  • Mini-games within the Gold Saucer, such as The Finer Miner or Moogles Paw
  • Selling Triple Triad Cards
  • Mini Cactpot
  • GATEs

However, by far the most lucrative method for earning a lot of MGP quickly is by taking part in the weekly Fashion Report. You can get 60,000 MGP a week with little effort, so you’ll only have🎶 80,000 MGP ꦍto make up in other ways before you can purchase the Regalia.

Other FFXV collab exclusive rewards

Image by Destructoid

There’s a number of other rewards up for 🎐grabs via the Ironworks Vendor within the Gold Saucer or the Ironworks Hand in Central Thanalan.

Modern Aesthetics – Lucian Locks

Can be purchased for 20,000 MG﷽P by talking to the same Ironworks Vendor who offers the Regalia🥂.

Noctis Lucius Caelum Card

Purchased for 10,00🐼0 MGP from the Ironworks Vendor. This card can be purchased outside of the event, but it’s worth noting that the regular price is 200,000 MGP, so it’s absolutely worth getting within the event itself. 

Orchestrion Rolls

There are a number of Orchestrion Rolls available as a part of A Nocturne for Heroes. These can be obtained by exchanging Unidentified Magitek with the Ironworks Hand (X21🌄.5, Y18.0) in Central Thanalan.

Unidentifꦰied Magitek are earned through completion of the event FATE, ‘Like Clockwork’ and each Orchestrion Roll costs one Unidentified Magitek. 

  • A Quick Pit Stop Orchestrion Roll
  • Apocalypsis Noctis Orchestrion Roll
  • Hammerhead Orchestrion Roll
  • Relax and Reflect Orchestrion Roll
  • Valse di Fantastica Orchestrion Roll 
  • Veiled in Black Orchestrion Roll

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Image of Paula Vaynshteyn
Paula Vaynshteyn
With her first experience of gaming being on an Atari ST, Paula has been gaming for her entire life. She’s 9,000 hours deep into Final Fantasy XIV, spends more time on cozy games than she would care to admit, and is also a huge bookworm. Juggling online adventuring with family life has its struggles, but she wouldn’t have it any other way.