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How to get Honey in Palworld

To bee or not to bee, that is the question.

Whether you’re looking to breed and trying to make Cake, or you’re simply looking for something quick and nutritious to feed Pals, Honey is an important edible resource in Palworld. Finding it can be tricky, though, at𝕴 least to start with. 

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Early into the game, you’re going to want to head out and find some Pals to capture (at least 10 of each if you want those sweet EXP bonuse⭕s) or kill. While you’re doing that, you’ll end up collecting dropped resources. 

Honey is only one of the many, but it’s ar൲guably among the most important, as it is used in Breeding. It’s also on༺e of only two raw foods that provide a Sanity increase when eaten, making it a useful addition to your Pals Feedbox at your base.

Which Pals drop Honey?

When looking for Honey in the wild, you’re likely to grav൲itate towards Beegarde and Elizabee, right? I mean, they roam around i⛄n groups of four or more, and they’re Bees, so of course they drop Honey.

However, two other Pals also drop Honey when they’re killed oღr defeated — Cinnamoth and Warsect. 

Elizabee and Beegarde 

Locations on the Palworld map for Elizabee, a Pal that drops Honey, on the left. The Pal is on the right
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Like I said, Elizabee is usually escorted by three or more Beegardes, so you’ll quickly gather up a lot of honey by hunting these two Pals. The best fast travel loc🐻ation to head to if you’re hunting Bees is🅷 Mossanda Forest. 


The Palworld map on the left, with Cinnamoth on the right
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To get Honey from these bizarre daytime-l🅠oving Moths, head to the aptly named Cinnamoth Forest fast travel point. You’ll quickly find yourself surrounded by Cinnamoth to take down or capture while scoring yourself some Honey at the same time. 


Palworld map highlighting the Ruined Fortress City, where you can find Warsect for Honey
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If you’re itching for a harder fight, or want to get yourself a wanted level, head to Ruined Fortress City and fly to Wildlife Sanctuary 2. Like I said, as soon as you step foot on this🍰 bizarre island, you’ll have some high level PIDF officers trying to take you out, so tread carefully.

Alternatively, you could always take on the level 30 Alpha Warsect near Gobfin’s Turf. Not only will you likely be rewarded some Honey for your trouble, but you’ll get some Ancient Technology Points (the first time) and the chance to get the Legendary Metal Helm Schematic that sometimes drops from this Alpha Pal.

Using the Ranch to get Honey

A Palworld ranch
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An easier method for getting a lot of Hon꧂ey in a relatively short period of time i🐓s to fill your Ranch with Beegarde. You can put up to three of them into one Ranch, so the piles of liquid gold will quickly build up. 

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Image of Paula Vaynshteyn
Paula Vaynshteyn
With her first experience of gaming being on an Atari ST, Paula has been gaming for her entire life. She’s 9,000 hours deep into Final Fantasy XIV, spends more time on cozy games than she would care to admit, and is also a huge bookworm. Juggling online adventuring with family life has its struggles, but she wouldn’t have it any other way.