Cult of the lamb big happy fish.
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How to get Kudaii and Clauneck relics in Cult of the Lamb

Time to visit the coast

The addition of Relics in Cult of the Lamb: Relics of the Old Faith revitalizes the combat while giving us several achievements to unlock. Though most Relics unlock while trolling through dungeons, two quests appear on your screen for Clauneck’s Relic and Kudaii’s Relic.

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There’s technically more than one relic associated with Clauneck and Kudaii, so to be clear, this guide is for Clauneck’s Shoe and Kudaii’s Fingernail. It’s also sometimes spelled Kudaai, but, as you can see from a screenshot in this very article, it’s also written Kudaii. I think Kudaai is the current official spelling, but because this article was initially written as Kudaii, I’m just going to keep alternating between them in this update so everyone and nobody is happy.

Cult of the Lamb lighthouse
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How to get Clauneck’s Shoe

To find Clauneck’s Relic, which turns out to be his shoe, head to Pilgrim’s Passage. Thankfully, you don’t have to fish to find this one. However, you do need to start the quest before it will appear.

You can’t see behind the lighthouse, but you can keep walking until you get a prompt to “pick up Clauneck’s Shoe.” The Relic lets you fire three projectiles for each Tarot Card you have equipped. Considering that Relics of the Old Faith lets you carry more than four Tarot Cards, you’ll pack serious firepower. I have had as many as six cards at once! But if you have the Relic equipped but no Tarot Cards, you can fire only two projectiles.

Cult of the Lamb Kudaii's relic unlocked.
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How to get Kudaii’s Fingernail

For Kudaii’s Relic, move to the Smuggler’s Sanctuary, but this time you do go fishing! Not really. There’s a giant fish weighed down like a pack mule behind Plimbo. Walk up to it, and you will be prompted to “tickle the fish.” She will spit Kudaai’s Fingernail out with a little heart action to assure you she’s happy with everything that went down. The Relic lets you summon a new, leveled-up weapon, but the real bonus here is the charge speed. This isn’t a one-time weapon switch-out. With an Average charge speed, you can summon another weapon again later on.

Even with these two unlocked, there are still a bunch I haven’t even seen yet. In total, 37 were added with the update (more were added later), so it gives us plenty to look forward to. (Update note: I’ve listed them below.)

Aside from the Relics, there are new structures to consider alongside Destructoid’s base building tips. Additionally, Relics of the Old Faith adds four new fleeces to the game. You can see how we ran💦ked the previous ꦇfleeces here. Overall, with an update this good, I can’t wait to see what else comes to Cult of the Lamb in the future.

How to get every Cult of the Lamb relic

Clauneck’s and Kudaii’s Relic are just some of the many you can find in the game. Here’s how to get every single relic in Cult of the Lamb:

NameHow to unlockDescription
Eye of LeshyComplete Leshy’s request after they become a follower.Orbiting eyes that cause damage.
Clauneck’s HairUnlocked just by meeting CemachDamage all enemies based of the amount of Tarot Cards you have.
Blessed Clauneck’s HairCrown upgrade obtained through sermons.Damage all enemies based on the amount of Tarot Cards you have. Chance to gain blue hearts.
Damned Clauneck’s HairCrown upgrade obtained through sermons.Damage all enemies based on the amount of Tarot Cards you have. Chance to gain diseased hearts.
Galvar’s CharmUnlocked just by meeting Cemach.Increase in size.
Laplace’s DiceUnlocked just by meeting Cemach.50% chance to heal a Heart or a 50% chance to gain a Spirit Heart.
Blessed Laplace’s DiceCrown upgrade obtained through sermons.50% chance to become invincible for 10 seconds, or a 50% chance to gain a Blue Heart.
Damned Laplace’s DiceCrown upgrade obtained through sermons.50% chance to gain a Diseased Heart, or a 50% chance to deal damage to all enemies.
Beak of the FowlerCaught while fishing in Pilgrim’s Passage.Instantly refills your Fervour.
Toe of the IcegoreUnlocked just by meeting Cemach.Freeze all enemies.
Eye of the IcegoreCrown upgrade obtained through sermons.Orbiting eyes that freeze enemies.
Seal of the BishopsUnlocked just by meeting Cemach.Temporarily stops time.
Shamura’s SkullComplete Shamura’s request after they become a follower.8 seconds of invincibility.
Tears of the Vengeful FatherReunite Ball and Forneus.Converts your Blue Hearts to Spirit Hearts.
Tears of the Merciful MotherReunite Aym and Forneus.Convert Blue Hearts into twice as many Diseased Hearts.
Heket’s ThroatComplete Heket’s request after they become a follower.Increases attack damage for 10 seconds.
Ala’s TeethUnlocked just by meeting Cemach.Rains lightning.
Blessed Ala’s TeethCrown upgrade obtained through sermons.Chance of lightning. Chance to drop Blue Hearts.
Damned Ala’s TeethCrown upgrade obtained through sermons.Chance of lightning. Chance to gain Diseased Hearts.
Tail of the SlythorUnlocked just by meeting CemachPoisons all active enemies.
Eye of the SlythorCrown upgrade obtained through sermons.Orbiting eyes that poison enemies.
Clauneck’s ShoeTalk to Clauneck and go behind the lighthouse.Fire three projectiles for each equipped Tarot Card with a minimum of two.
The TransmogriconKill a critter.Turns an enemy into a critter.
Kudaii’s ToenailUnlocked just by meeting CemachSummon a new Curse with an increased level.
Kudaii’s FingernailTickle the fish.Summon a new Weapon with an increased level.
Eye of the FervantCrown upgrade obtained through sermons.Orbiting eye that mimics any Curses cast.
Shunrue’s CharmUnlocked just by meeting CemachDecrease in size.
Stihi’s TongueUnlocked just by meeting CemachSpawn bombs.
Kallamar’s EarComplete Kallamar’s request after they become a follower.Summon an undead Follower.
Warracka’s Right FistButcher five followers.For each dead body summon a mini Follower.
Exorcist’s FingerUnlocked just by meeting CemachSummon a Demon.
Blessed Exorcist’s FingerCrown upgrade obtained through sermons.Summon two Demons.
Damned Exorcist’s FingerCrown upgrade obtained through sermons.Summon a powerful Demon.
Turua’s TentacleUnlocked just by meeting CemachSpawn a tentacle that inflicts damage when touched.
Aethrile’s Powder BoxUnlocked just by meeting CemachUse a random Relic.
Blessed Aethrile’s Powder BoxCrown upgrade obtained through sermons.Use a random Blessed Relic.
Damned Aethrile’s Powder BoxCrown upgrade obtained through sermons.Use a random Damned Relic.
Clauneck’s Mirror Unlocked just by meeting CemachEliminates equipped tarot cards. In return, weapon and curse level increases for each card.
Blessed Clauneck’s MirrorCrown upgrade obtained through sermons.Eliminates equipped tarot cards. Half blue heart for each card.
Damned Clauneck’s MirrorCrown upgrade obtained through sermons.Eliminates equipped tarot cards. Half diseased heart for each card.
Balm of the Anchorite Unlocked just by meeting CemachGain half spirit heart for every 5 followers.
Blessed Balm of the AnchoriteCrown upgrade obtained through sermons.Gain half spirit heart for every elderly follower.
Damned Balm of the AnchoriteCrown upgrade obtained through sermons.Gain half spirit heart for every dissenting follower.
Cross Eye of the CrowUnlocked by starting co-op.An eyeball bounces between players, dealing damage to enemies it makes contact with.
Ashes of the Mercurial MunUnlocked by starting co-op.An explosive ring encloses each player.
The Clasped HandsUnlocked by starting co-op.Players heal half a heart.
Kudaai’s Lost ToothUnlocked by starting co-op.Swap weapon and curse with the other player.
Wishbone of the MarbaisUnlocked by starting co-op.One player is damaged granting temporary invulnerability to the other.
Pouch of KephomiteDie after defeating The One Who Waits.Spend 50 coins for a Blue Heart.
Scales of AnchoriteDie after defeating The One Who Waits.Kill a random follower to gain a full heart.
Little Yaca’s DollDie after defeating The One Who Waits.All enemies take damage when you do.
Ewer of the WidowDie after defeating The One Who Waits.Gain a diseased heart and spread poison around the player.
Laplace’s CoinDie after defeating The One Who Waits.50% chance to spawn follower, 50% chance to spawn enemy
Bones of the FowlerDie after defeating The One Who Waits.Gain resources, lose fervour
Knuckle of TachachDie after defeating The One Who Waits.Increased weapon damage for 5 seconds, decreased movement speed.
Fang of the StarvedDie after defeating The One Who Waits.Double damage for 5 seconds, but also take double damage.
Nectar of the CrownsTrade God Tears to ??? (Mystic Seller)Unlimited fervour for 5 seconds.
Grand Mancer’s BombTrade God Tears to ??? (Mystic Seller)Encircles player with black ichor.

More secrets have come out since this update

Cult of the Lamb has a lot more to investigate, including a Don’t Starve collaboration, which includes the Webber character. Check out our guide for how to unlock them here! We also have guides for how to locate God Tears and unlock the True Love Found achievement.

On top of that, pumpkins are in, as well as the Blood Moon event, and the Godhood achievement.

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Image of Sam Arthurs
Sam Arthurs
Sam joined Destructoid as a Freelance Writer in December 2022. She is a fan of narrative games and creepy Metroidvanias. When she isn't playing or writing about video games, she reads and writes horror stories.
Image of Zoey Handley
Zoey Handley
Staff Writer
Staff Writer - Zoey is a gaming gadabout. She got her start blogging with the community in 2018 and hit the front page soon after. Normally found exploring indie experiments and retro libraries, she does her best to remain chronically uncool.