how to get and socket runes in rune slayer
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How to Get Runes in Rune Slayer – Rune Socket Guide

Start farming Legendary Runes ASAP!

Aside from praying you’re going to get a better piece of gear from a quest, your character will also gain power from Runes. As the name of the game suggests, they’re pretty important and take your armor and weapons from good to great. But before you become empowered, there’s a process you need to follow. That’s why I made this guide—to easily elaborate on how to get runes in Rune Slayer, as well as how to socket runes in Rune Slayer

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How to Find Runes in Rune Slayer 

If you’re wondering “What’s the best way to get runes in Rune Slayer?,” there is none. You’ll inevitably find runes after defeating enemies. They can drop from anyone, with bosses offering a chance at stronger, rarer runes

how to get and socket runes in rune slayer drop
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Overall, there are four types of Runes in Rune Slayer:

  • Lesser Runes
  • Runes
  • Greater Runes
  • Legendary Runes

At the same time, there are Named Runes (Slime Rune, Thief Rune, etc.), that can only drop from the mobs whose name they💞 carry. Sometimes, they’ll offer bonuses if ꦚyou have multiple pieces of corresponding gear (e.g., Slime Crown, Slime Boots).

To prepare for finding mobs to farm Runes, don’t forget to check out our Rune Slayer beginner’s guide

How Do I Know if I Can Socket Runes in My Gear

You can find out whether you can socket Runes in Rune Slayer in two ways: 

Go to your inventory hover over the weapon/armor/accessory with your mouse and see whether it has empty squares on it. If there is one or more, that means you can socket the corresponding number of Runes in it

how to get and socket runes in rune slayer socket
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The second method involves asking the Blacksmith to socket a Rune, which will show you eligible weapons and armor. And that brings us to…

How to Socket Runes in Rune Slayer 

To socket Runes in Rune Slayer, you need a Blacksmith with an Anvil. While you can find one everywhere from Wayshire to Balgoron Chasm, I’d a🥀dvise you to stick to Wayshire and get the power ASAP. 

Talk to Winfried the Blacksmith. 

Ask him “Are you a Rune Smith?”

how to get and socket runes in rune slayer runesmith
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Choose an item you want to sock﷽et your rune in, choose the 💧rune you want to socket, and voila—your item is ready. 

how to get and socket runes in rune slayer items
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That’s all there is to it when it comes to learning how to socket runes in Rune Slayer. But what if you change your mind or find a better one? Should you just throw y🧸our gear into Storage? Not necessar꧑ily. 

How to Unsocket Runes in Rune Slayer 

If you’re wondering whether unsocketing Runes in Rune Slayer is equivalent to rocket science, don’t worry because it isn’t. All you need is to farm Rune Golems, which drop both Angelic Runes and Satanic Runes, two Runes whose only effect is to cancel an e📖xisting socket. 

how to get and socket runes in rune slayer angelic rune
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how to get and socket runes in rune slayer satanic rune
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They’re both legendary items and have a low drop chance,🧸 so I’d suggest devoting a day or two to farming Rune Golems and being safe afterwards. You wouldn’t want to waste time when you hav🏅e momentum.

That wasn’t so hard, was it? Now that you know how to get runes in Rune Slayer, you’ll be primed for quick progression. And if you’re wondering how to best put those runes to good use, check out my guide on how to level fast in Rune Slayer. Leave your guildies in the dust!

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Image of Relja Bojovic
Relja Bojovic
When he's not busy experimenting with local LLMs, playing basketball and raising his blood pressure through Counter Strike, Relja loves chasing the next best Roblox RPG experience. He's also 6 months clean from WoW, but is very eager to relapse.