Destiny 2 Season of the Wish Mara and Ahamkara
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How to prepare for Destiny 2’s Season 23

This will be Destiny 2's final Season

Season 22 of Destiny 2 is almost at an end, and Season of the Wish will soon take its place. Season 23 will build on the Season of the Witch‘s wins and set the pace for The Final Shape. While the saga-ending expansion’s reveal found little fanfare, Seasons 21 and 22 have ramped things up, even featuring a long-standing Destiny mystery for Season 23. But how can Guardians prepare for Destiny 2‘s final season?

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Knowing there’s a good chance The Final Shape is delayed, expectations are that Season 23 will last for six or seven months. In addition to the extended season, several game changes are due to land alongside Season of the Wish. Here’s everything players need to know before Season 22 ends. And how to successfully venture into and through Season 23 on November 28.

Managing departing currencies

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Season of the Wish will see one of the game’s oldest currencies move towards retirement. Legendary Shards are disappearing once The Final Shape releases, and the process begins in Season 23. Bungie has noted that existing costs will be largely unaffected b꧒y the removal of Legendary Shards, with most transactions simply losing the additional currency cost.

If players have a lot of the currency sitting around, there are still ways to make use of Legendary Shards. While the process has been available for ages, it’s high time players start paying Master Rahool daily visits. The Tower NPC can convert Legendary Shards for Glimmer and other resources. Naturally, this function will only remain in-game as long as Legendary Shards are available.

Seasonal weapons to prioritize for crafting

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Although some argue crafting has made Destiny 2 worse, there’s no denying it’s the best way to get powerful weapons. Instead of playing the odds over and over, players can guarantee the roll they want with enough time. Of course, it does take a bit of work before Guardians earn enough red-bordered weapons to freely craft what’s desired.

Time isn’t on players’ side if they want to learn how to craft every weapon pattern from Season 22. Luckily, FOMO shouldn’t hit too hard, as only some Season of the Witch weapons are worth the time and effort. The Eremite, Semiotician, Brya’s Love, and Locus Locutus are the top options players should seek before the season ends. Each brings an impressive perk pool that offers endgame viability.

Quickly level up the Season 22 pass

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If players are 🐓worried about completing the Season 22 pass before Season 23 rolls around, their window is closing. The pass and its 100 ranks of rewards will remain earnable until November 𒁃28. While nothing within the pass is essential, it offers its usual array of currency rewards and unique cosmetic items.

Players looking to rapidly advance through Season 22 pass ranks have a few options that help reduce time investment. Best of all, these tips can typically all be employed simultaneously to significantly increase players’ overall XP yield. 

First, players should look through the weekly seasonal challenges and see if there are multiple that can be done in the same activity. Then, Guardians can load up on Bounties for the chosen activity and grab any specific weapons needed for either the challenges or the Bounties. After completing the desired challenges and Bounties, players shouldn’t immediately turn them in. 

Instead, if players wait until they’re in a Fireteam, even in Crucible or Vanguard playlists, they’ll have a buff called Shared Wisdom. This will further increase XP gains and make climbing the Season 22 pass more manageable.

Weapons to dig out of the vault

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As with every season in Destiny 2, Season 23 will introduce some shifts to the overall meta. This time around, auto rifles, pulse rifles, glaives, and sniper rifles will have their time in the sun. Auto rifles will see a 10% damage increase against minor enemies, while pulse rifles get a 12.5% increase against minor and major foes. It’s a perfect opportunity to use some primary ammo Exotics.

Glaives are due for significant improvements to their projectile alongside a shield energy rework. Snipers are also rounding out some wins with a 15% PvE damage buff extending to Exotic sniper rifles, too. Speaking of which, it’s an excellent time for Guardians to break out the Whisper of the Worm Exotic sniper. It has been getting buffed steadily over the year, and it already was no slouch throughout Season 22.

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On top of Whisper, wi𝔍th the auto rifle buff and a promised rework of its Catalyst, Necrochasm co༒uld prove fun in Season 23. On the flip side, pulse rifles stretch the new buffs a little further by affecting minor and major enemies. Exotics like the Graviton Lance, Revision Zero, No Time to Explain, and Bad Juju are poised to wreck in PvE.

For specific Exotic weapons, both Revision Zero and Vex Mythoclast are receiving some serious tweaks. Vex Mythoclast will deal 200% increased damage to Champions in its linear fusion rifle mode. Revision Zero will sport a similar function, but only a 100% damage bonus, to account for the gun’s existing Anti-Barrier functions. Thorn will also see notable changes, with options to overflow its clip to 40 bullets via its Exotic perk.

And if there was ever a time to retry the Class-specific glaives, it’s Season 23. Each now provides ammo when the unique ability is activated to ensure it’s always usable. In addition, each glaive saw its own buff. The Warlock glaive will be empowered by Solar 3.0, healing more effectively and in a larger area. The Titan glaive’s bubble now grants a buff that increases handling, reload speed, and damage, persisting after exiting the bubble. And the Hunter glaive ability now applies Jolt to enemies damaged by it.

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Jonathan LoChiatto
Jonathan LoChiatto is a writer, editor, and creator with content across Destructoid, GameRant, SVG, and more. Jonathan is the creator of The Dorkweb podcast and continues to dabble in entertainment. When he's not streaming Destiny 2, he can be found digging into RPGs, strategy games, and shooters.