Baldur's Gate 3 Rescue the Tieflings quest guide
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How to Rescue the Tieflings from Moonrise Towers in Baldur’s Gate 3

Jailbreak time at Moonrise Towers.

If you saved the Tieflings in Act 1 of Baldur’s Gate 3, you’ll soon progress forward to Act 2 and find they’ve been caught up in trouble again. Their caravan was attacked, and you’ll be asked to help rescue the Tieflings from Moonrise Towers in Baldur’s Gate 3.

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For this side quest to even show up, there are a pretty significant number of prerequisites. First off, as mentioned before, you need to have saved the Tieflings in Act 1. It also seems to help, though it’s unclear at this time, if you convinced Rolan and his group to stay with the Tieflings. Additionally, keeping any members like Alfira alive will help, and open the door for extra rewards at this quest’s conclusion.

If you’re also looking to rescue Wulbren, through a request from the Deep Gnomes and Barcus, then congratulations—you’re about to save two birds with one gnome.

Where to find Wulbren and the Tieflings in Baldur’s Gate 3

First off, you’ll need to find them all to actually rescue them. Head to Moonrise Towers and go inside. You can either ask around or just follow the blood trail from the main entrance area down to the dungeons.

Here, you’ll find some patrolling guards, scrying eyes, and several cells. The Tieflings are in one cell, while Wulbren and some others are in a different one.

You’ll need to pass a dialogue check with the guards to talk to the prisoners,  so be ready for your most Charismatic character to do the talking. Speak to the Tieflings first, and they’ll tell you they’re working with the gnomes. Head over and chat with Wulbren Bongle. You’ll need to pass a check to earn his trust, unless you saved Barcus, in whℱich case you can simply invoke his name and move forward.

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Where to find Wulbren’s tools

Wulbren says they can crack a path out in the back of their cell but need tools to do so. While any tools will do, if you don’t happen to have a decent hammer on you (or you want to get Wulbren his own tools back), there’s an elegant solution waiting in the rafters.

If you speak with the Warden, who resides in the center of this panopticon, she’ll mention she keeps confiscated goods in the floor above her. It’s off-limits to you, so don’t try going up in front of her. Instead, head around the side and look for a spot where you can leap onto some scaffolding. I recommend de-partying (Shift-G) and moving one person, your sneakiest rogue, up through this section.

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Get in through the window and start picking those locks. You’ll find Wulbren’s tools on the table, but might as well snatch some valuables while you’re here anyways. Now, Wulbren will also note that you need to deliver the tools so the guards can’t see them. But rather than try to sneakily hand them through the bars, why not make use of our newfound vertical advantage?

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Outside of the window, you can continue working your way along the rafters and eventually perch up over the cell. Simply drop Wulbren’s tools down, and the gnome will be ready to go to work at your go signal.

Rescue the Tieflings and Wulbren in Baldur’s Gate 3

Now, this part is important: while Wulbren and co. will wait until everyone’s looking the other way to chisel their tunnel out, you will need to distract the guards to some degree. If you’ve got a Bard, this probably can take care of itself; you might need to take out a scrying eye or two beforehand, but the guards can be dealt with.

Otherwise, it might turn to combat. I was able to do my run only taking out a single guard and scrying eye, but you need to be careful. The Warden can aggro, and you don’t want all of Moonrise bearing down on you.

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The gnomes will tunnel themselves out, then rescue the Tieflings out, then head to a secret dock. Send at least one person with them (I used Misty Step to get through the bars) to see them off at the docks, and tell them to head to Last Light Inn (assuming it’s still standing in your playthrough).

Reap the rewards of your rescue

At this point, the Journal will prompt you to chat with everyone you’ve saved thus far. If you convinced Rolan to stay and also saved him when he went running off to fight the Shadows himself, you can get a scene with him and his two friends. Wulbren will also reward you, and mention that you should link up with him if you ever make it to the city of Baldur’s Gate. Chat a little more with him to get some OG Baldur’s Gate lore mentions.

Speak to Lakrissa and Alfira for the big reward, which is a hefty helping of items and a special piece of attire that’s extremely good for Charisma casters. Bards, Warlocks, and Sorcerers will want 🐎it, as it adds your Cha⛎risma modifier to cantrips.

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Lastly, if your Journal is still showing the quest as incomplete, it’s probably because you need to head outside and under the bridge to see Danis reunited with Bex. They’ll also thank you for your heroics, and that concludes the Tieflings rescue in .

An addendum

If you’re also looking to find and help some important named characters—Zevlor, the Duke, Zariel’s asset, or Mol—and are concerned by their absence here, don’t be. Those are separate instances, and in some cases will require story progression to complete. Don’t fret because they weren’t in these specific cells.

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Eric Van Allen
Senior Editor - While Eric's been writing about games since 2014, he's been playing them for a lot longer. Usually found grinding RPG battles, digging into an indie gem, or hanging out around the Limsa Aethryte.