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How to tame a parrot in Minecraft

Birds of a feather.

Minecraft is filled to the brim with tons of exotic animals and potential pets to discover. One of the most unique is the parrot, which players can tame for their companionship in Minecraft. If you know how to tame a Parrot, you’ve got the perfect flying friend that rivals all others.

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How to tame a parrot in Minecraft
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How to tame parrots in Minecraft

There is only one way to tame a parrot in Minecraft at this time. First and foremost: Locate a parrot. This is pretty hard 🐻to do, as they only live in the Jungle and Bamboo Jungle biomes. Worse still, they have a very low chance of spawning 🥂in these locations, compared to the other exotic animals from these regions.

For an easier approach, look for other mobs, such as sheep, pandas, or even hostile enemies. Parrots tend to sܫtick to other mobs and 🐻fly above them.

After finding a Parrot, all you need to do is feed it seeds. In Minecraft, this can be literally any seed, from melon seeds to pumpkin seeds. When you see hearts appear over its head, the Parrot is tame. It’ll follow you anywhere, and follows commands selected by a click.

A neat little feature some players may not know about is you can also have your tamed parrot sit on your sไhoulder. To do this, walk up to the Parrot where you basically pass through it. The parrot will latch onto your shoಌulder and stay there.

Chances of taming a parrot

One of the issues with trying to tame a parrot in Minecraft with seeds is they have a pretty low chance of taming, even com🥀pared to some of the other animals. There is around a 10 percent chance for a Parrot to be tamed after feeding it seeds. This essentially means you could feed the sam🐟e parrot 10 times and not tame it once. You want to look for the hearts above it to know when it is finally tamed.

The Minecraft UI with a player sorting items to tame a parrot
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Where to find seeds in Minecraft

The other tricky part about taming parrots in Minecraft is finding enough seeds to feed it. Since you’ll need a surplus of seeds, you’ll want to bring as many as you can in case the RNG gods aren’t in your favor. Harvesting crops like pumpkin and meloꦓn will sometimes grant y꧒ou seeds, so if you have a farm, this makes grinding for seeds pretty easy.

However, if you don’t have a farm, your best bet is to look for tall grass in the world. Break this apart and you will often find seeds. This is one of the most common ways to get regular seeds, so I suggest doing this over and over until you have at least 20 seeds or so. That wa♒y, you don’t miss out on taming the already rare parrots.

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Cody Perez
Contributing Writer - Cody has been a huge fan of Destructoid for more than a decade as well as a freelance writer for various publications. Now working for Destructoid, he has the chance to share his passion for Final Fantasy XIV, Pokemon, Call of Duty, and many more games.