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How to uninstall Valorant from PC

Finally quitting, are we?

For whatever reason, if you want to uninstall Valorant from your PC, it’s a bit of a process. Here, we’ll walk you thr꧒ough how to delete Riot’s hero shooter from your computer for good.

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How to uninstall Valorant from your PC

To uninstall Valorant from your PC, you must first ensure your Riot Client and Vanguard tray notification programs are closed. They may be running🅷 in the background when booting up your PC since they default to being a startup app.

Once that is all done, follow these steps:

  • Press the Windows Key and i.
  • Click on Apps.
  • Find “Riot Vanguard” and uninstall it.
  • Select “Uninstall” again when told that the app and related info will also be uninstalled.

You will see a message that tells you that the process will uninstall “Riot Vanguard,” and any programs, depending on its functionality🅠, will stop🎃 working. 

  • Select yes.
  • Next, while still in your Apps & features window, look for Valorant
  • Hit “Uninstall” and wait for the program to finish uninstalling.
How to uninstall Valorant from PC
Screenshot by Destructoid

Everything Valorant-related should be deleted from your main files, but some will remain in your AppData or ProgramData folders rooted in your PC. 

Depending on whether you originally installed Valorant to be accessible to all users on your PC,♛ there will be multiple “Riot Games” folders in areas of the drive on which your game is downloaded.&꧂nbsp;

In any case, open up your File Explorer and find the drive on which you installed VALORANT. If you find a folder with “Riot Games” on it, it’s now safe to delete, as you have uninstalled t🍨he base components of the launcher and the game.

To make sure, you can also just enter “Riot Games” on the search bar on your window to find any folders with the name. At most, there should only be two folders in this instance unless you 💃have multiple users on your PC.

Once that is all set and done, Valorant and alওl other components that come with it should be g♛one from your PC.

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Image of Elliott Gatica
Elliott Gatica
Contributing Writer - Elliott has been writing about video games since he was in high school. Carrying that momentum forward, he has now appeared in outlets such as App Trigger, Attack of the Fanboy, and now Destructoid. He focuses heavily on Warframe, but he is also an avid fan of fighting games and shooters. When he isn't here, he's probably getting salty in Mortal Kombat 1 or climbing the competitive ranks with his friends on Overwatch 2.