While completing Goku’s storyline (or Episode Battle) in Dragon Ball Sparking Zero, players will be able to unlock a wide array of branching paths, each leading to what-if events. Among those paths, however, the one featured in The Cell Games Begin stage can be specifically tricky, as it will demand meticulous skill. Here’s how to unlock The Cell Games Begin branching path in Dragon Ball Sparking Zero.
How to unlock The Cell Games Begin branching path in Dragon Ball Sparking Zero
After Goku takes the stage to face Cell, you can unlock The Cell Games Begin branching path and unlock the Homecoming scene in Dragon Ball Sparking Zero by defeating Cell quickly. How quickly, you ask? Well, although the game does not specify the exact time, we were able to unlock the path by defea🔜ting him within 1 minute, so make that your time limit. You will know you managed to accomplish the feat if ♉Cell starts to scream at the sky at the end of the bout, which will lead Goku to comment on how the villain was weaker than he expected.
How to defeat Cell quickly
Since Goku starts the battle with 2 Skill bars, you can defeat Cell quickly in Sparking Zero by sending him flying with a Smash Attack before focusing solely on performing the game’s infamous Violent Rush + Ultimate Blast combo. The combo will be especially deadly here, as Goku’s Instant Transmission Kamehameha will allow you to hit Cell no matter where he falls off. Make sure to also keep an eye out for beams and be ready to teleport the moment the enemy performs a High-Spee🍰d Evasion.
If you are still having trouble with the fight or just want to get it over with, you can also expend a Dragon Orb to lower the difficulty of the battle and easily defeat Cell. After failing to unlock a branching path, you will be able to get a Dragon Orb in Sparking Zero by summoning Shenron and then selecting “I want to complete an Episode Battle”.
To make sure you will be able to make your wish as soon as possible, don’t forget to check out how to farm Dragon Balls in Dragon Ball Sparking Zero.
Published: Oct 15, 2024 12:03 pm