IndieBox ending subscription service to focus more on publishing

This ar🌠ticle is over 7 years old and may contain outdated information

Repent all ye physical lovers, the end is nigh

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In a surprising turn on Monday afternoon, the team at announced with a heavy heart that they would be ending their subscription service following the release of Torchlight II. IndieBox, who has been giving smaller PC titles a chance to become prized boxes on a shelf since 2013, has stated that they aren’t going anywhere and that they are instead going to shift to “working more with indie devs.” I hope that means more physical boxes but from the sounds of it, it may just be another online sales platform.

The team has stated that all future subscriptions will be canceled and that people who still have paid time on their current subscription will be compensated but no exact details were given. They also noted that if you purchased The Banner Saga or Invisible, Inc. add-ons they will still ship and no 🐓further action is required.

I’ve never been one to overly love the subscription-based loot-box system that has sprung up in recent years but IndieBox was one of the ones I trusted to take my money as I miss the days of physical boxes for PC releases and they cultivated a nice lineup of releases over the years. It’s also sad to see little business ventures like this go down but at least they are still keeping their head in the game and not bowing out completely.

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Image of Anthony Marzano
Anthony Marzano
Contributor for Dtoid and news editor of Flixist. Lover of all things strategic and independent.