Did you ever leave?
Destiny: Rise of Iron is confirmed, and it’s $30 on PS4 and Xbox One (sorry last-gen). And given how many copies the game sold, there’s a lot of people out there who have Destiny discs 🍨spinning in their c🔯onsoles as we speak, as well as a sizable chunk of folks who have them collecting dust. So where do you stand? Are you back in?
As for me, I messaged my group “I’m back in September” after all the details were confirmed. After playing and raiding nearly every week since launch I quit several months ago, when it was clear that the only update on the horizon was a repackaged Prison of Elders dungeon –which was literally my least favorite part of the game back in the House of Wolves expansion.
Rise of Iron seems to be a sizable amount of content, and King’s Fall proved that they can really nail raids even so far removed from the game’s launch. But we’ll see how often they support it, and if they call limited, week long re-skinned events “support” like Bungie has so many times before.
Published: Jun 10, 2016 11:00 am