Square really wanted to make their money back
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Square Enix practically bet the farm on Final Fantasy XV.
Before its release they diversified their portfolio with a film and multiple spinoffs, most o🌸f which seem to have paid off given that it sold five million copies on launch day.
But given that we just got a whiff of yet another spinoff and a port, it’s time to recap everything this monolithic subfranchise has given us so far, minus minor development changes like the addition of a New Game+ and such.
- Platinum Demo: Final Fantasy XV (new story)
- Episode Gladiolus DLC
- Episode Prompto DLC
- Episode Ignis DLC (to be released in December)
- Holiday and Booster packs
- Brotherhood anime
- Assassin’s Creed crossover event
- Comrades multiplayer expansion
- Justice Monsters Five, a pinball ♚mobile spinoff that ended service earlier in 2017
- A King’s Tale beat ’em up spinoff
- King’s Knight: Wrath of the Dark Dragon spinoff
- Final Fantasy XV: A New Empire mobile spinoff
- Kingsglaive: Final Fantasy XV movie
- Prompto VR spinoff (canceled)
- Monster of the Deep: Final Fantasy XV spinoff
- PC Port with all DLC (to be released in 🤪2018)
- Final Fantasy XV: Pocket Edition (possible Switch port)
- A Final Fantasy XIV tie-in event similar to the one for XIII
- Noctis to appear in Dissidia
- Noctis to appear in Tekken 7
- The Sims crossover costumes
- Ardyn DLC
- Aranea DLC
- Luna DLC
- Noctis DLC
It’s a lot, right? I wouldn’t be surprised if we got Final Fantasy XV-2 at this point. And while I could deal without most of the side projects, I’d actually welcome that.
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Published: Sep 4, 2017 10:30 am