Live show: Eternal Champions: CD

This article is over 11 years oldšŸŽ and may contain outdated information

Blood, gore, and Abraham Lincoln fighting a chicken, need I say more?

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[ airs Monday through Friday at 4p.m. Pacific on . Watch Rick ‘King Foom’ Olson play a variety of games, each day with its own theme. With a heavy focus on community and viewer interaction, you can be as much a part of the show as anything else.]

Join us for tonight as we take our weekly trip into the past, showcasing the best and worst titles of days gone by. This evening’s selection is not only one of the most gruesome (and silly) fighting games ever created, but is also one of my all-time favorites, Eternal Champions: Challenge from the Dark Side, for the Sega CD.

After playing a ton of the new Killer Instinct game recently, my brain has been going through a nostalgia trip remembering the insane amount of fighting games from the ’90s. One that always sticks out however, is Eternal Champions: CD. I remember spending hours alongside buddies trying to find the near hundreds of ways to brutally decimate your opponent at the end of a match, and having notebooks full of combos, and set-ups that we’d all contribute to. Now, while the game hasn’t exactly aged gracefully, it’s still super fun, and as nasty as ever. I’m very much looking forward to jumping in again after not playing it for nearly a decade.

QotD: What were some of your fš’€°avorite fighting šŸŽgames from back in the day?

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