Live show: Our favorite games from the year

This article i🎶s over 11 years old and may contain outdated information🏅

Videogames Club House

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It’s that time of the year again where we, as gamers, like to look back and reflect on what we most enjoyed in the games we played. With all these game of the year posts floating around we over on the Clubhouse have also gotten into the spirit.

With Spencer still gone and presumably locked away in some dungeon somewhere Bill Zoeker and I are left to do shows without him. So we thought we would pick one game apiece to play for you guys and show what we most enjoyed this year. Spoiler alert, Zoeker picked Metal Gear Rising before I could so I ended up defaulting onto another under appreciated gem from earlier this year, Anarchy Reigns. So come on by, tell 📖us about your holiday♓ haul and check out some games.

So, sure there are tons of objectively “good” games that came out this year, but what was your personal favorite game, the one you probably played the most?

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