What is a stream?
Some of you may be aware that last week a major change happened over on our live channel. Our beloved leader Rick “King Foom” (it’s his birthday today, so wish him a happy birthday, will you?) stepped down and passed the metaphorical reins to me and my co-host, Spencer Hayes.
This is a huge change that may take some breaking in at first. On today’s show I will give you guys a taste of the recently released Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2 and talk with you, the community, to let you know what we have planned. A “State of the Stream” address, if you will. So please join me, hang out, and talk about what is going on, as well as our plans for this week.
I’ll give you a hint … early gameplay of Infamous: Second Son and maybe a giveaway of sorts. For more details, tune in to🍎day at 2PM PST!
Published: Mar 3, 2014 03:45 pm