Live Show: The GTFOMLG Show Episode 7.0

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Mario Golf: Advance Tour (GBA)

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After a hellish weekend, I needed something relaxing to play on tonight’s episode of The GTFOMLG Show. Thankfully, you wonderful peeps voted in Mario Golf: Advance Tour last week, and I really can’t think of anything more chill than that. Tune into tonight at 7pm PST and we’ll kick back while playing one of my all-time favorite golf games.

Other titles scheduled for this week include Wrath of the Black Manta (NES), The Simpsons: Hit & Run (PS2), and Star Wars (NES). As well, the poll for next week’s game choices is up, and it’s currently exploding (the arcade version of Willow seems to be a hot item), so b🍌e sure to get in and vote for your favo𒊎rite by clicking right . 

[The GTFOMLG Show airs Monday through Thursday at 7p.m. Pacific on . Watch Rick ‘King Foom’ Olson play a variety of retro games, chosen by the viewers. With a heavy focus on community interaction, you can be as much a part of the show as anything else.]

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