Live show: Warframe (PS4)

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Testing out the onboard streaming capabilities of the PS4

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[ airs Monday through Friday at 4p.m. Pacific on . Watch Rick ‘King Foom’ Olson play a variety of games, each day with its own theme. With a heavy focus on community and viewer interaction, you can be as much a part of the show as anything else.]

The weekend is almost upon us, so that can mean only one thing — that’s right, another round of community gaming shenanigans. This week, we’ll be doing our part to promote Friday Night Fights over at  by getting together, and playing the extremely fun and addictive free-to-play shooter, Warframe, for the PlayStation 4.

Now, while I absolutely adore Warframe, a lot of the reason for busting this game out tonight, is to test out the onboard streaming capabilities of the PS4. You see, Sony kind of slipped up, and forgot to remove its HDCP lock-out for games, so the only way I can broadcast anything through this machine (for now, Sony stated that it will remove the HDCP in a future patch) is by using the streaming software it came with. If you’ve been curious about how all of this works, or just wanted to check out the game, be sure to join us for  tonigh꧒t and see it all in action for yourself. My apologies in advance for any quality issues.

QotD: What are some F2P games that you feel have ‘done it right’?

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