What a time to be alive
The Chinese can take gaming very seriously. So seriously in fact that they have created an revolved around keeping lonely gamers happy while grinding away in their virtāual wastelands.
While in places like America we are relegated to finding our “escorts” on and risk a plethora of potential problems, the Chinese have simplified things and made it so their escorts are virtual and best of all, helpful.
Not helpful in the sense that you have new STDs to categorize, but helpful in that the available online female escorts will not only enhance your virtual social life, but they’ll also help guide you along the way (you can even do face to face chat if you’re feeling daring).
The services the girls provide can range between $3 to $16 an hour. Much cheaper than your standard real-world hooker, I mean escort. Kidding aside, not only is this a great service for those stuck in the depths of online loneliness, but it also is a nice bit of scratch for the girls themselves. The female online escorts can puš ll in anywhere from $485 to $1,300 a month doing this.
So how long until America jumps on this trend? Any ladies want to help me slug through Bloodborne?
[Want China Times]
Published: Apr 22, 2015 01:30 pm