Luigi's Mansion 2 HD Tear-shaped emerald gem
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Luigi’s Mansion 2 all 13 Haunted Towers gem locations

Pocketful of emeralds.

The Haunted Towers location in Luigi’s Mansion 2 is a twisting, vertical mansion. However, it too has 13 gems located in it across the various chapters you go thro♚ugh. Here is how you find each and every one of them.

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Luigi's Mansion 2 HD Emerald under the steps
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Tower Lobby

First available in: B-1
The first gem is a bit sneaky. When you’re going up the stairs in the Tower Lobby, you might catch a glimpse of it. It’s underneath the stairway. You can get to it by going behind the lower set of stairs and then w🏅alking toward the foreground.


First available in: B-1
You can see the laboratory gem on the ground floor in one of the glass tubes. In order to get to it, you need to inflate one of the bubble plants, then gradually de🐻scend until you land inside of the tube.


First available in: B-2
In the garden, you’ll see a number of budding plants. You’ll need to grow them by grabbing one of the buckets with your vacuum, then filling it wit🐼h water using the eavestrough. Take the water and splash it on one of the buds, and they will grow into a pink flower. Flash them with your light to get them to open. One of them will spit out a gem.

Luigi's Mansion 2 HD Botany Emerald Gem
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Botany Lab

First available in: B-2
There’s a puzzle in the Botan🐼y Lab where you connect a pipe using the dark-light, but don’t do it right away. First, fill a bucket using the water coming from the disconnected pipe. Then, take the bucket to the back-right corner of the lab and splash the water onto the budding plant. It will grow. Flash it with your light, and it will open, spitting out a gem.

Seedling Lab

First available in: B-2
There’s a potato cannon in t💮he Seedling Lab. If you use it, you’ll see a mouse running back and forth with a gem trailing behind it. Shoot the mouse (you may need to remove some pots f☂irst), and it will drop the gem.

West Garden

First available in: B-3
In the back-left area of the Tower lobby, there are two pipes with a gap between them. Use the dark-light to reveal a hidden pipe. Then, go down to the bottom of the stairs and look for a ⛎wall with a doormat in front of it. Use your dark-light𓃲 to reveal a hidden door. There’s a plant guarding a hallway, but the water pipe you repaired will pour onto a spikey plant, which you can use to eliminate the enemy. Follow the hall into the West Garden, where you’ll find a chest with the gem.

Luigi's Mansion 2 HD Hollow Tree Gem
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Hollow Tree

First available in: B-3
The gem is a bit of a process. At the roots of the tree, you can find some web balls. Light one on fire, then go to the left-front side of the room and burn through spider webs. In that small cave, you’ll find a bucket. Take it back, fill it, then go to a similar cave on the right-front side. In there, you’ll find a pink flower. Throw the water on it, and it will bloom. Flash it with your🎉 light, and it will spit out the gem. 

Old Cemetery

First available in: B-3
This one isn’t much of a mystery. Near a crow statue, you’ll find the gem on a vine. Just ꦡsuck it down.


First available in: B-4
In the chapter, there are hostile flowers hang♐ing over the Skybridge. If you goad them into trying to attack you but move out of the way, they’ll ball up. Suck𒈔 them up and pull them until they pop. The last flower will have your gem.

Luigi's Mansion 2 HD Rumpus Room
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Rumpus Room

First available in: B-4
Here’s a fun one. You’ll know the Rumpus Room by the creepy doll in the center of it, ജwhich constantly watches Luigi. If you circle the doll (I went counter-clockwise, but the other way may work), the head will slowly loosen until it falls off entirely. In its place will be a gem.


First available in: B-4
The Solarium has a nice-looking breakfast nook on the ground floor. Shine you🌳r dark-light on it, and a che𒐪st will be revealed. In it is the gem.


First available in: B-4
If you use one of the bubble plants to get up to the right platform in the Conservatory, you can shine your dark-light on the seemingly blank wall to reveal a door. Opening this will suck Lu🍨igi into the bonus dimension. Quickly plot a route, then 🧜run around to collect all the coins. Once all of them have been picked up, you’ll be rewarded with a gem.

Luigi's Mansion 2 HD Bathroom Gem
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West Bathroom

First available in: B-4
If you’re like me, you pull on every piece of hanging cloth, but you might miss this one. In the bathroom, a roll of toilet paper h🥂as a shee🧸t hanging, pull on that, and the gem will pop out. Strange place to keep a semi-precious stone.

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Image of Zoey Handley
Zoey Handley
Staff Writer
Staff Writer - Zoey is a gaming gadabout. She got her start blogging with the community in 2018 and hit the front page soon after. Normally found exploring indie experiments and retro libraries, she does her best to remain chronically uncool.