Marathon gamers are 25% more likely to consider sleeping with a serial killer

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Says online dating site OKCupid

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Do you ever find yourself playing video games for more than eight hours straight? If you answered yes, would you consider sleeping with — or fucking — a serial killer? According to OKCupid, 25 percent of you are likely to answer yes. 

OKCupid is basing this spooky factoid off an analysis of the thousands of questions users answer to find like-minded lovers. I’ve been on the site for years (having met my boyfriend there) and it is fascinating how honest some people are with their answers when marking them publicly visible.

Another gaming-related statistic released by OKCupid today states that if you play Dungeons & Dragons, you’re 20% more likely to enjoy the taste of blood. By my count that means about 20% of D&D players are serial killers, and 25% of the D𓆉toid staff would give them a pok🅷e.


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