Mega Man card game will make me even more poor

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Jasco Games, the company currently making that Mega Man board game, is using the same license to produce a set of car💜ds as part of its line. I say without any sarcasm or cynicism that I think thisജ is pretty cool.

Jasco is currently at in Indiana showing off the Mega Man UFS cards to the public. Inside each of those spiffy tins is a starter deck, three booster packs, three Robot Master promo cards, and a vin꧒yl playmat. Art from both the games and the Archie comics adorn the merch, which ought to go on sale this October for $30 a tin.

I don’t play CCGs, but I love card collecting. I haven’t had a proper card collection in years, so I’m due to get back in the habit. And maybe I’ll try to learn the UFS rules at some point, too.

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