Miniboss Monday: Crocomire

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Today’s Miniboss Monday is one of my personal favorites and is an extremely memorable fight for many who completed Super Metroid back in the day. Crocomire is by no means a difficult or exciting opponent to fight, but what makes him so great and memorable? There’s a simple answer to that one — his inevitable death.

Ol’ Croco is a fairly straight-forward opponent. All you need to do is shoot missles down his throat when he opens his yapper and he’ll move back a few steps. Lucky for you (and unlucky for him) there’s a conveniently placed lava pit just a few yards behind the eight-eyed foe. Push him towards it, and break out the popcorn for one of the more gruesome deaths in the 16-bit era outside of Mortal Kombat.

Here’s the kicker; once Crocomire takes his soothing lava bath, you will notice air bubbles drifting off to stage left. “Jinkies!” Velma exclaims. Obviously, this subtle cue would tell you to follow as something just isn’t quite right. Upon reaching the end of the corridor, the spiked wall falls to bits and one of those “Oh SNAP!” moments takes hold of you — the skeletal remains of Crocomire lunge at you. Both this moment and the epic death scene before it solidify Crocomire’s fight in the back of our minds even to this day.

Do you remember facing Crocomire for the first time? I certainly do. That’s all for this week’s MBM. Got any suggestions or ideas to contribute for future Miniboss Mondays? Be sure to send ’em in to us at [email protected].

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