Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate finally brings the series’ Switch entry to the West

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For awhile, it seemed Capcom and Nintendo had a good thing going with Monster Hunter. Fans in the West were getting the updated “Ultimate” copies of games on 3DS and Capcom even brought over the pseudo-greatest hits game Generations to Western 3DS systems. Then came the Japanese announcement of XX (basically Generations 2) and nothing about the West. After that, a Switch port was announced, but still no word of a Western release.

I guess following in the massive success of Monster Hunter World, Capcom has now announced that Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate will be coming to the West on August 29. If you’ve been a 3DS loyalist, you’ll be happy to know that your save data from Generations can actually be ported to Generations Ultimate to continue your journey.

The Capcom blog has a bunch of information about the new monsters included from XX, but this won’t be news to fans that have been following the Japanese release. What will be interesting is if people who imported XX will be able to use their sa♊ve data. Regardless of that, here is a tra𝄹iler to get you HYPED!

[Capcom Unity]

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Image of Peter Glagowski
Peter Glagowski
Former Dtoid staff member.