Binge-worthy meets bot runs
Is the world ready for a Netflix Diablo animated series? Hasn’t Diablo stolen enough of our lives already, keeping us running levels and bosses all hours of night and day for those super unique magic items and runes? Apparently, Netflix thinks not. We can still binge more of our lives away on the 22-year-old gaming franchise, but this tim🍸e through the Netflix streaming platform.
This week, Andrew Cosby, Boom! Studios founder, tweeted that he’s in “final talks” to write and show-run the new series for Netflix. Boom! Studios is behind the comic book adaptations of cult favorites like Big Trouble in Little China, Escape from New York, Sons of Anarchy, and Warhammer 40,000. They’ve also produced series featuring Power Rangers and Planet of the Apes, among many others.
The tweet in😼 question no lon♕ger exists, because deleting tweets is all the rage right now—thanks to James Gunn.
While we wait for some form of official announcement, we can only wonder from what angle the series will choose to approach the game lore. This poses the following questions for the masses: What would you like to see in a animated Diablo series? ꦜWhich game should they start with? Which characters should be included up front? And finally, can you derive the same joy from wa꧟tching a TV series as you can destroying noobs with your level 97 Hammerdin?
Personally, I’m ready to enjoy 30-60 minute episodes of Tristram-based goodness, rather than immersing myself back into the game for another year of my life, but if you feel otherwise, then look to the Diablo III Eternal Collection, whic✤h is coming to the Nintendo Switch November 2nd.
Published: Sep 23, 2018 06:00 pm