New releases: Fight in the snow in Company of Heroes 2

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Plus Ride to Hell, Deadpool, Dark, and more

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This week sees the return of Relic’s superb World War 2 strategy series, Company of Heroes, with the bloody conflict in the Eastern Front being presented in a brand new engine. Though it adds little more than extreme weather and a new, explosive campaign to the tried and tested formula, it’s really rather splendid.

On top of this, the Biker action game, Ride to Hell: Retribution finally drops, after a bit of a delay; the merc with the mouth, Deadpool, gets his very own game; Dark leaps out of the shadows with a smattering of stealth and vampire action; and that really rather awful looking Spartacus Legends game is a thing.

Anything tempting you this week?

Xbox 360: Ride to Hell: Retribution, DeadpoolBorderlands 2: Tiny Tina’s Assault on Dragon Keep

PS3: Ride to Hell: RetributionDeadpool, Hotline Miami, Borderlands 2: Tiny Tina’s Assault on Dragon KeepBest of PlayStation Network, Vol. 1

Wii U: Game & Wario

PC: Company of Heroes 2Ride to Hell: RetributionDeadpool, Dark, Jack Keane 2: The Fire Within, Joe Danger, Joe Danger 2: The Movie, Gun Monkeys, Endless Space: Disharmony, Borderlands 2: Tiny Tina’s Assault on Dragon Keep, Aliens vs Predator Collection, Hell Yeah! Collection, Renegade Ops Collection, Binary Domain Collection, Handball Challenge 2013

3DS: Project X Zone, Ecco the Dolphin

PS Vita: Hotline Miami, Muramasa Rebirth

XBLA: Spartacus Legends, Doodle Jump for Kinect, Kinect Sports Gems: Boxing Fight

PSN: Magic 2014: Duels of the Planeswalkers, Pool Nation, Spartacus Legends

Ride to Hell: Retribution (PC, PS3, Xbox 360)

Deadpool (PC, PS3, Xbox 360)

Borderlands 2: Tiny Tina’s Assault on Dragon Keep (PC, PS3, Xbox 360)

Game & Wario (Wii U)

Jack Keane 2: The Fire Within

Joe Danger Bundle (PC)

Project X Zone (3DS)

Hotline Miami (PS3, PS Vita)

Spartacus Legends (PSN, XBLA)

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