New York Post sues Uwe Boll over Postal web site

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It’s known (in the gaming world, at least) that famed game film maker likes to push people’s buttons, but now it looks like he picked on the wrong people, and they’re taking him to court.

In what may be a clever attempt to get back at the New York Post for publishing negative things about one of his movies, Boll made two websites that look similar to the Post’s web site to promote his game-turned-film . The conflict between Boll and the Post began on April 15th, when the Post published an article about the movie’s release.

The brilliantly named is still up, and visitors to the site will notice the headline that mocks this very lawsuit (pictured above). The is not anymore. We’re not sure what happened there.

The Post says that Boll’s web sites represent “brazen and unlawful infringement of the New York Post’s valuable intellectual property.” They are asking that the sites be taken down, the domain names 𒊎be transfered to them, and are also asking for unspecified damages.

[Via ]

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