This week’s downloadable offerings for Nintendo’s systems includes a classic Super Nintendo title that is so old that you could even call it prehistoric. Super Bonk was great on the SNES — such a fun game. In it you worked to get Hudson’s big-headed brain buster back to his time. Super Bonk is this week’s Virtual Console release. It’s priced at 800 Wii Points.
There’s three games for DSiWare this week: Anonymous Notes Chapter 1 – From The Abyss (200 points) is an RPG in an infinite dungeon, A Fairy Tale (500 points) has over 100 puzzles of fairy saving fun, and Absolute Baseball (500 points) makes you a team manager that issues commands to guide your players towards the c🃏hampionships.
On WiiWare there’s Planet Fish (500 Wii Points), which has you shooting bubbles to capture fish for your aquarium. You’ll travel to real deep sea environments to grow your collection. There’s also A Monsteca Corral: Monsters vs. Robots, which has…well, monsters fending off invading robots. It’s 500 points this week, and there’s also a free demo to download.
Published: Apr 4, 2011 12:00 pm