Nintendo Download: Super Mario Land 2

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What’s that, Nintendo? You’ve got a high profile virtual console title for the 3DS this week? Well, wonders will never cease! This week, the eShop graces us with the very first appearance of Wario, as is released. I’ll take it!

and are also available on eShop/DSiWare this week, though neither game sounds tantalizing. On WiiWare, you’re treated to , some sort of puzzle game that looks like a hideous mess. Oh, and there’s more Blue Man Group crap on Nintendo Video.

Speaking of video, a whole bunch of new 3D trailers are set to go up for Super Mario 3D Land, Kid Icarus: Uprising, Mario Kart 7, Luigi’s Mansion 2, Animal Crossing, Paper Mario and Mario Tennis

Add to that the free download of and it’s not an altogether terrible week. Nicely done.

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