No weaponised lesbians for Australia: Valkyrie Drive refused classification

T𝓀his article is✅ over 8 years old and may contain outdated information

‘Against the standards of decency’

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It’s hard being a Vita owner in Australia. Not only has the console been all-but-abandoned by Sony, but for the second time this year, a new release for the oft-neglected handheld has🉐 been banned.

Valkyrie Drive: Bhikkhuni, the new brawler by Senran Kagura creator Kenichi🍸ro Takaki that features weaponised lesbians, has been Refused Classification by the Australian Classification Board. This is to say that the game has been banned, as a title that has been Refused Classification

As mentioned previously, this is the second PlayStation Vita game to be banned in Australia this year, with the Idea Factory-published dungeon-crawler MeiQ: Labyrinth of Death being the first. The reason stated for the Australian Government’s banning of Valkyrie Drive was that the game depicts ✃🙈sex or sexuality in a way that may 

Valkyrie Drive: Bhikkhuni is slated for a Western release by PQube Games on September 16. There’s a trailer below that’s well worth checking out.

I’m som🧜ewhat saddened by this turn of events, as I was actually looking forward to this one.

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