The One Piece anime hits its fans with a surprise announcement. The beloved anime adaptation of Eiichiro Oda’s legendary manga will be going on hiatus until April 2025. The news was officially revealed via an announcement video, which confirmed ♏that the 💫anime will resume its Egghead arc next spring.
The hiatus will allow the anime’s production team to “recharge,” as confirmed during the To fill the gap left by the hiatus, the special will air on October 20, followed by a special edited version of the fan-favorite Fish-Man Island arc on October 27.
According to , this version of the arc will offer a🐻 fresh viewing experience, featuring retouched art,ꦗ enhanced color shading and lighting, special effects, and a Dolby Atmos soundtrack.
In addition to the anime, One Piece is expanding its presence in the digital space. One Piece Base, a new smartphone app featuring a manga viewer and other franchise-related content, launcܫhes in Japan on Sunday. However, the app is also slated to be released globally next year.
The app will allow users to unlock chapters using points. These points can be earned via scanning barcodes from One Piece merchandise, logging into the app daily, and inviting friends. The app also includes the portrait maker which transforms fans’ selfies into art reminiscent of Oda’s signature style.
Published: Oct 13, 2024 08:40 am