One Piece‘s official accounts recently announced the anime’s six-month hiatus. However, fans of the series will not be left unattended. A special episode called One Piece Fan Letter and One Piece Log: Fish-Man Island Saga will take the anime’s time slot. The former has already been released, while the latter is set to air the week after.
Unfortunately, official One Piece channels just announced that the remaster will be postponed to make way for Major League Baseball (MLB) World Series’ live broadcast. One Piece Log: Fish-Man Island Saga was originally set to release on October 27. The first episode’s release date has now changed to November 3.
The remaster will revamp the Straw Hat Pirates’ adventure on the kingdom under the sea. It will not only improve upon the shading, animation, and special effects, but also compress the original 58 episodes into 21 episodes. Doing so will likely improve the anime’s pacing, which One Piece is notoriously known for. Furtherm🦂ore, the saga will feature a Dolby Atmos soundtrack, offering 𒉰a contemporary retelling of the Straw Hats’ underwater journey.
A complete recap of the Fish-Man Island Arc’s most notable moments can be found here. But to put it briefly, the Fish-Man I🍨sland Arc will see the Straw Hat Pirates﷽ return after their two-year training. Stronger and more skilled than ever, the crew is finally ready to take on the New World. However, their first challenge lies beneath the ocean in the mysterious and politically fraught Fish-Man Island.
One Piece Log: Fish-Man Island Saga will be available for streaming via Crunchyroll. Other seasons of One Piece can also be streamed through and . However, availability may vary depending on regio🔜n.
Published: Oct 22, 2024 09:28 am