One word, five letters, six tries. Simple concepts often create the most addicting games, and Wordle is a prime example of this phenomenon.
Wordle was created by a single developer, a software engineer named Josh Wardle, in June 2021. The rules are easy to digest: players get six tries to guess a five-letter word. If a letter is in its correct spot, it turns green. If the letter is in the word but out of place, it turns yellow. And if the letter isn’t in the answer, it turns black.
The game’s simplistic rules paired well with its interface: a five-by-six grid of 30 individual squares laid against a black background. He made Wordle for his partner, who loved word games, as something for them to enjoy together. He soon showed it to family and friends, too, and it became a st✃aple amongst their inner circle.
This is what prompted Josh to release the game publicly on the internet, and it exceeded all expectations. At first, less than 100 people played the game October 2021, but it became a viral sensation, garnering over 300,000 daily players over the next two months. This caught the attention of The New York Times, which acquired Wordle in early 2022, giving the game a✨ wider audience than ever before. It is still going strong to this day.
While The New York Times offers the chance to play every Wordle puzzle since its origin through its paid archive, there is no official compilation of every Wordle answer ever. Hopefully, this one can suffice.
June 2021
- n/a
- n/a
- n/a
- n/a
- n/a
- n/a
- n/a
- n/a
- n/a
- n/a
- n/a
- n/a
- n/a
- n/a
- n/a
- n/a
- n/a
- n/a
- Cigar
- Rebut
- Sissy
- Humph
- Awake
- Blush
- Focal
- Evade
- Naval
- Serve
- Heath
- Dwarf
July 2021
- Model
- Karma
- Stink
- Grade
- Quiet
- Bench
- Abate
- Feign
- Major
- Death
- Fresh
- Crust
- Stool
- Colon
- Abase
- Marry
- React
- Batty
- Pride
- Floss
- Helix
- Croak
- Staff
- Paper
- Unfed
- Whelp
- Trawl
- Outdo
- Adobe
- Crazy
- Sower
August 2021
- Repay
- Digit
- Crate
- Cluck
- Spike
- Mimic
- Pound
- Maxim
- Linen
- Unmet
- Flesh
- Booby
- Forth
- First
- Stand
- Belly
- Ivory
- Seedy
- Yearn
- Drain
- Bribe
- Stout
- Panel
- Crass
- Flume
- Offal
- Agree
- Error
- Swirl
- Argue
September 2021
- Bleed
- Delta
- Flick
- Totem
- Wooer
- Front
- Shrub
- Parry
- Biome
- Lapel
- Start
- Greet
- Goner
- Golem
- Lusty
- Loopy
- Round
- Audit
- Lying
- Gamma
- Labor
- Islet
- Civic
- Forge
- Corny
- Moult
- Basic
- Salad
- Agate
- Spicy
October 2021
- Spray
- Essay
- Fjord
- Spend
- Kebab
- Guild
- Aback
- Motor
- Alone
- Hatch
- Hyper
- Thumb
- Dowry
- Ought
- Belch
- Dutch
- Pilot
- Tweed
- Comet
- Jaunt
- Enema
- Steed
- Abyss
- Growl
- Fling
- Dozen
- Boozy
- Erode
- World
- Gouge
- Click
November 2021
- Briar
- Great
- Altar
- Pulpy
- Blurt
- Coast
- Duchy
- Groin
- Fixer
- Group
- Rogue
- Badly
- Smart
- Pithy
- Gaudy
- Chill
- Heron
- Vodka
- Finer
- Surer
- Radio
- Rouge
- Perch
- Retch
- Wrote
- Clock
- Tilde
- Store
- Prove
- Bring
December 2021
- Solve
- Cheat
- Grime
- Exult
- Usher
- Epoch
- Triad
- Break
- Rhino
- Viral
- Conic
- Masse
- Sonic
- Vital
- Trace
- Using
- Peach
- Champ
- Baton
- Brake
- Pluck
- Craze
- Gripe
- Weary
- Picky
- Acute
- Ferry
- Aside
- Tapir
- Troll
- Unify
January 2022
- Rebus
- Boost
- Truss
- Siege
- Tiger
- Banal
- Slump
- Crank
- Gorge
- Query
- Drink
- Favor
- Abbey
- Tangy
- Panic
- Solar
- Shire
- Proxy
- Point
- Robot
- Prick
- Wince
- Crimp
- Knoll
- Sugar
- Whack
- Mount
- Perky
- Could
- Wrung
- Light
February 2022
- Those
- Moist
- Shard
- Pleat
- Aloft
- Skill
- Elder
- Frame
- Humor
- Pause
- Ulcer
- Ultra
- Robin
- Cynic
- Aroma
- Caulk
- Shake
- Dodge
- Swill
- Tacit
- Other
- Thorn
- Trove
- Bloke
- Vivid
- Spill
- Chant
- Choke
March 2022
- Rupee
- Nasty
- Mourn
- Ahead
- Brine
- Cloth
- Hoard
- Sweet
- Month
- Lapse
- Watch
- Today
- Focus
- Smelt
- Tease
- Cater
- Movie
- Saute
- Allow
- Renew
- Their
- Slosh
- Purge
- Chest
- Depot
- Epoxy
- Nymph
- Found
- Shall
- Stove
- Lowly
April 2022
- Snout
- Trope
- Fewer
- Shawl
- Natal
- Comma
- Foray
- Scare
- Stair
- Black
- Squad
- Royal
- Chunk
- Mince
- Shame
- Cheek
- Ample
- Flair
- Foyer
- Cargo
- Oxide
- Plant
- Olive
- Inert
- Askew
- Heist
- Shown
- Zesty
- Trash
- Larva
May 2022
- Forgo
- Story
- Hairy
- Train
- Homer
- Badge
- Midst
- Canny
- Shine
- Gecko
- Farce
- Slung
- Tipsy
- Metal
- Yield
- Delve
- Being
- Scour
- Glass
- Gamer
- Scrap
- Money
- Hinge
- Album
- Vouch
- Asset
- Tiara
- Crept
- Bayou
- Atoll
- Manor
June 2022
- Creak
- Showy
- Phase
- Froth
- Depth
- Gloom
- Flood
- Trait
- Girth
- Piety
- Goose
- Float
- Donor
- Atone
- Primo
- Apron
- Blown
- Cacao
- Loser
- Input
- Gloat
- Awful
- Brink
- Smite
- Beady
- Rusty
- Retro
- Droll
- Gawky
- Hutch
July 2022
- Pinto
- Egret
- Lilac
- Sever
- Field
- Fluff
- Agape
- Voice
- Stead
- Berth
- Madam
- Night
- Bland
- Liver
- Wedge
- Roomy
- Wacky
- Flock
- Angry
- Trite
- Aphid
- Tryst
- Midge
- Power
- Elope
- Cinch
- Motto
- Stomp
- Upset
- Bluff
- Cramp
August 2022
- Quart
- Coyly
- Youth
- Rhyme
- Buggy
- Alien
- Smear
- Unfit
- Patty
- Cling
- Glean
- Label
- Hunky
- Khaki
- Poker
- Gruel
- Twice
- Twang
- Shrug
- Treat
- Waste
- Merit
- Woven
- Needy
- Clown
- Irony
- Ruder
- Gauze
- Chief
- Onset
- Prize
September 2022
- Fungi
- Charm
- Gully
- Inter
- Whoop
- Taunt
- Leery
- Class
- Theme
- Lofty
- Tibia
- Booze
- Alpha
- Thyme
- Doubt
- Parer
- Chute
- Stick
- Trice
- Alike
- Recap
- Saint
- Glory
- Grate
- Admit
- Brisk
- Soggy
- Usurp
- Scald
- Scorn
October 2022
- Leave
- Twine
- Sting
- Bough
- Marsh
- Sloth
- Dandy
- Vigor
- Howdy
- Enjoy
- Valid
- Ionic
- Equal
- Floor
- Catch
- Spade
- Stein
- Exist
- Quirk
- Denim
- Grove
- Spiel
- Mummy
- Fault
- Foggy
- Flout
- Carry
- Sneak
- Libel
- Waltz
- Aptly
November 2022
- Piney
- Inept
- Aloud
- Photo
- Dream
- Stale
- Begin
- Spell
- Rainy
- Unite
- Medal
- Valet
- Inane
- Maple
- Snarl
- Baker
- There
- Glyph
- Avert
- Brave
- Axiom
- Prime
- Drive
- Feast
- Itchy
- Clean
- Happy
- Tepid
- Undue
- Study
December 2022
- Eject
- Chafe
- Torso
- Adore
- Woken
- Amber
- Joust
- Infer
- Braid
- Knock
- Naive
- Apply
- Spoke
- Usual
- Rival
- Probe
- Chord
- Taper
- Slate
- Third
- Lunar
- Excel
- Aorta
- Poise
- Extra
- Judge
- Condo
- Impel
- Havoc
- Molar
- Manly
January 2023
- Whine
- Skirt
- Antic
- Layer
- Sleek
- Belie
- Lemon
- Opera
- Pixie
- Grimy
- Sedan
- Leapt
- Human
- Koala
- Spire
- Frock
- Adopt
- Chard
- Mucky
- Alter
- Blurb
- Matey
- Elude
- Count
- Maize
- Beefy
- Worry
- Flirt
- Fishy
- Crave
- Cross
February 2023
- Scold
- Shirk
- Tasty
- Unlit
- Dance
- Ninth
- Apple
- Flail
- Stage
- Heady
- Debug
- Giant
- Usage
- Sound
- Salsa
- Magic
- Cache
- Avail
- Kiosk
- Sweat
- Ruddy
- Riper
- Vague
- Arbor
- Fifty
- Syrup
- Worse
- Polka
March 2023
- Moose
- Above
- Squat
- Trend
- Toxic
- Pinky
- Horse
- Regal
- Where
- Revel
- Birth
- Blame
- Surly
- Sweep
- Cider
- Mealy
- Yacht
- Credo
- Glove
- Tough
- Duvet
- Staid
- Grout
- Voter
- Untie
- Guano
- Hurry
- Beset
- Bread
- Every
April 2023
- March
- Stock
- Flora
- Ratio
- Smash
- Leafy
- Locus
- Ledge
- Snafu
- Under
- Qualm
- Borax
- Carat
- Thief
- Agony
- Dwelt
- Whiff
- Hound
- Thump
- Plate
- Kayak
- Broke
- Unzip
- Ditto
- Joker
- Metro
- Logic
- Circa
- Cedar
- Plaza
May 2023
- Range
- Sulky
- Horde
- Guppy
- Below
- Anger
- Ghoul
- Aglow
- Cocoa
- Ethic
- Broom
- Snack
- Acrid
- Scarf
- Canoe
- Latte
- Plank
- Shorn
- Grief
- Flask
- Brash
- Igloo
- Clerk
- Utter
- Bagel
- Swine
- Ramen
- Skimp
- Mouse
- Kneel
- Agile
June 2023
- Jazzy
- Humid
- Nanny
- Beast
- Ennui
- Scout
- Hater
- Crumb
- Balsa
- Again
- Guard
- Wrong
- Plunk
- Crime
- Maybe
- Strap
- Ranch
- Shyly
- Kazoo
- Frost
- Crane
- Taste
- Covet
- Grand
- Rodeo
- Guest
- About
- Tract
- Diner
- Straw
July 2023
- Bleep
- Mossy
- Hotel
- Irate
- Venom
- Windy
- Donut
- Cower
- Enter
- Folly
- Earth
- Whirl
- Barge
- Fiend
- Crone
- Topaz
- Droop
- Flyer
- Tonic
- Flank
- Burly
- Froze
- Whale
- Hobby
- Wheel
- Heart
- Disco
- Ethos
- Curly
- Bathe
- Style
August 2023
- Tenth
- Beget
- Party
- Chart
- Anode
- Polyp
- Brook
- Bully
- Lover
- Empty
- Hello
- Quick
- Wrath
- Snaky
- Index
- Scrub
- Amiss
- Exact
- Magma
- Quest
- Beach
- Spice
- Verve
- Wordy
- Ocean
- Choir
- Peace
- Write
- Caper
- Audio
- Bride
September 2023
- Space
- Onion
- Await
- Giddy
- Birch
- Gnash
- Dwell
- Rouse
- Lucky
- Quote
- Older
- Whisk
- Clear
- Rayon
- Exert
- Angel
- Music
- Frank
- Close
- Snare
- Stone
- Brush
- Carol
- Right
- Rocky
- Loyal
- Smile
- Coach
- Azure
- Daddy
October 2023
- Beret
- Merry
- While
- Spurt
- Bunch
- Chime
- Viola
- Binge
- Truth
- Snail
- Skunk
- Knelt
- Uncle
- Agent
- Leaky
- Graph
- Adult
- Mercy
- Splat
- Occur
- Smirk
- Given
- Tempo
- Cause
- Retry
- Pique
- Noble
- Mason
- Phony
- Grail
- Bleak
November 2023
- Noise
- Until
- Ardor
- Mania
- Flare
- Trade
- Limit
- Ninja
- Glaze
- Leash
- Actor
- Meant
- Green
- Sassy
- Sight
- Trust
- Tardy
- Think
- Queue
- Candy
- Piano
- Pixel
- Queen
- Throw
- Guide
- Solid
- Tawny
- Scope
- Sushi
- Resin
December 2023
- Taken
- Genre
- Adapt
- Worst
- Young
- Woman
- Sleep
- Sharp
- Shift
- Chain
- House
- These
- Spent
- Would
- Topic
- Globe
- Bacon
- Funny
- Table
- Small
- Built
- Touch
- Slope
- Grace
- Evoke
- Phone
- Daisy
- Learn
- Child
- Three
- Salty
January 2024
- Mural
- Aging
- Twirl
- Scant
- Lunge
- Cable
- Stony
- Final
- Liner
- Threw
- Brief
- Route
- Heard
- Doing
- Lunch
- Blond
- Court
- Stole
- Thing
- Large
- North
- Tweak
- Still
- Relic
- Block
- Aloof
- Snake
- Ember
- Leggy
- Expel
- Bulky
February 2024
- Alive
- Cleft
- Micro
- Verge
- Repel
- Which
- After
- Place
- Stiff
- Fried
- Never
- Pasta
- Scram
- Talon
- Ascot
- Stash
- Psalm
- Ridge
- Price
- Match
- Build
- Heavy
- Apart
- Piper
- Smith
- Often
- Sense
- Devil
- Image
March 2024
- Forty
- Urban
- State
- Flame
- Hunch
- Teary
- Clone
- Early
- Cheer
- Grasp
- Pesky
- Heave
- Local
- Since
- Erupt
- Toxin
- Snort
- Spelt
- Abide
- Lingo
- Shade
- Decay
- Risen
- Towel
- Sally
- Mayor
- Stung
- Speak
- Realm
- Force
- Taboo
April 2024
- Frond
- Serum
- Plait
- Climb
- Wrist
- Finch
- Voila
- Breed
- Merge
- Broth
- Louse
- Whiny
- Steel
- Blimp
- Equip
- Shank
- Tithe
- Facet
- Raise
- Lucid
- Jolly
- Laser
- Rover
- Overt
- Intro
- Vapid
- Gleam
- Prune
- Craft
- Prowl
May 2024
- Diary
- Slice
- Ebony
- Value
- Decal
- Shave
- Musty
- Pious
- Jerky
- Media
- Tidal
- Outer
- Cumin
- Amass
- Pinch
- Stall
- Tutor
- Briny
- Hitch
- Nicer
- Dingo
- Exalt
- Swish
- Glide
- Titan
- Bevel
- Skier
- Minus
- Papal
- Gummy
- Chaos
June 2024
- Basin
- Bravo
- Stark
- Groom
- Organ
- Ether
- Melon
- Hence
- Crowd
- Manga
- Swung
- Deter
- Angst
- Vault
- Proud
- Grind
- Prior
- Cover
- Terse
- Scent
- Paint
- Edict
- Bugle
- Dolly
- Savor
- Knead
- Order
- Drove
- Zebra
- Buddy
July 2024
- Adage
- Inlay
- Thigh
- Debut
- Crush
- Scoff
- Canon
- Shape
- Blare
- Gaunt
- Cameo
- Jiffy
- Enact
- Video
- Swoon
- Decoy
- Quite
- Nerdy
- Refer
- Shaft
- Speck
- Cadet
- Prong
- Forte
- Porch
- Awash
- Juice
- Smock
- Super
- Feral
- Penne
August 2024
- Chalk
- Flake
- Scale
- Lower
- Ensue
- Anvil
- Macaw
- Saucy
- Ounce
- Medic
- Scone
- Skiff
- Neigh
- Shore
- Acorn
- Brace
- Storm
- Lanky
- Meter
- Delay
- Mulch
- Brute
- Leech
- Filet
- Skate
- Stake
- Crown
- Lithe
- Flunk
- Knave
- Spout
September 2024
- Mushy
- Camel
- Faint
- Stern
- Widen
- Rerun
- Owner
- Drawn
- Debit
- Rebel
- Aisle
- Brass
- Harsh
- Broad
- Recur
- Honey
- Beaut
- Fully
- Press
- Smoke
- Seven
- Teach
- Steam
- Handy
- Torch
- Thank
- Faith
- Brain
- Rider
- Cloud
October 2024
- Modem
- Shell
- Wagon
- Title
- Miner
- Lager
- Flour
- Joint
- Mommy
- Carve
- Gusty
- Stain
- Prone
- Gamut
- Corer
- Grant
- Halve
- Stint
- Fiber
- Dicey
- Spoon
- Shout
- Goofy
- Bossy
- Frown
- Wreak
- Sandy
- Bawdy
- Tunic
- Easel
- Weird
November 2024
- Sixth
- Snoop
- Blaze
- Vinyl
- Octet
- Truly
- Event
- Ready
- Swell
- Inner
- Stoic
- Flown
- Primp
- Uvula
- Tacky
- Visor
- Tally
- Frail
- Going
- Niche
- Spine
- Pearl
- Jelly
- Twist
- Brown
- Witch
- Slang
- Chock
- Hippo
- Dogma
December 2024
- Mauve
- Guile
- Shaky
- Crypt
- Endow
- Shove
- Hilly
- Hyena
- Flung
- Patio
- Plumb
- Vying
- Boxer
- Drool
- Funky
- Boast
- Scowl
- Hefty
- Stray
- Flash
- Blade
- Brawn
- Sauna
- Eagle
- Share
- Affix
- Grain
- Decry
- Mambo
- Stare
- Lemur
January 2025
- Nerve
- Chose
- Cheap
- Relax
- Cyber
- Sprig
- Atlas
- Draft
- Wafer
- Crawl
- Dingy
- Total
- Cloak
- Fancy
- Knack
- Flint
- Prose
- Silly
- Rower
- Squid
- Icing
- Reach
- Upper
- Crepe
- Crisp
- Sunny
- Shunt
- Fever
- Udder
- False
- Toast
February 2025
- Rivet
- Chore
- Revue
- Tooth
- Pedal
- Pupil
- Swath
- Steep
- Bonus
- Goody
- Score
- Rapid
- Rumba
- Ditty
- Crook
- Suave
- Trail
- Indie
- Madly
Published: Feb 19, 2025 10:53 am