Two years ago, for the 2007 gallery, artist David Galloway (re)created Capcom’s original Mega Man on the Atari 2600. If I were picky, I would insist that Galloway’s de-make be played on an machine to fully do justice to the gallery’s name, but that seems like splitting pixels.
Fastfoward to last Sunday, when Galloway released a playable ROM demo . The game consists of four vertical screens and one very tough Elecman. Since the Atari only had one button, which is used to make the Blue Bomber jump, shooting was mapped to down on the joystick.
To get a taste for just how hard the game is, hit the jump for a gameplay video. ‘s Brandon Boyer, the player in the video is Eric Caoli of and fame. If Mega Man 2600 sounds like your cup of tea, don’t hold your breath — there were never any plans to re/de-make the entire original game.
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Published: Jul 8, 2009 06:00 am