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The brand new Pokemon Scarlet and Violet trailer is here today straight from , and we’re getting a bit more info on where the game stands now. Here’s a quick recap.
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet trailer 2 and info:
- The trailer is three minutes long, and the intro provides a quick look at some vistas and in-game locations.
- The professors seem to be a duo this time: Professor Sada and Professor Turo (which one you get will depend on the version you play).
- We get a little footage of what could be the introductory Pokemon battle, featuring a character named Nemona (who serves as your companion and/or “rival”).
- One NPC states “If you connect with friends, you can head out on adventures together — up to four of you at a time.” Here’s a rundown: “Pokemon Scarlet and Pokemon Violet allow multiplayer gameplay with up to four players. Along with series staples, such as trading and battling Pokemon, you will be able to explore the various locations of the region in these games with other players. You can discover new Pokemon and explore unfamiliar areas with your friends and family, opening the door to an adventure more precious and fun than ever!”
- Like prior games in the series, there seems to be a variety of biomes: snow, forest, desert, caves/underground locales.
- A lead Pokemon will follow you like in recent entries.
- Old characters are confirmed like Gengar, Talonflame, Chewtle, Venonat, Cryogonal, Larvitar, Bagon, Pikachu, Toxapex, and Coalossal.
- There’s a pig-like Pokemon named Lechonk, as well as new Pokemon Pawmi and Smoliv.
- We get a look at some character customization options, and characters sneaking around.
- Battling seems like it’s in the same style as “mainline” games, with characters standing still and no trainer interaction.
- We get a look at the legendary Pokemon of Scarlet and Violet (Koraidon and Miraidon).
- Pre-orders are live at multiple retailers, and a double pack is confirmed “at participating video game retailers.”
Check out the key elements of the t☂railer in the gallery belඣow! , which provides new info on the version-specific professors. , and .
Finally an open world Pokémon game
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Published: Jun 1, 2022 08:06 am