It expires today
Game Freak is at it again with a Pokemon Sword and Shield distribution event, and this time you can net a free Dracovish until the end of the day (the promo is expiring on April 25).
Delivered by way of : the code will entitle you to a Dracovish that’s level 50, and kitted out like the winner. It sports the Fishious Rend, Rock Slide, and Dragon Rush abilities, with a Choice Scarf held item, and the strong jaw ability. You may recall the last reward of the same sort was roughly seven months ago, with the Porygon-Z via the Trainer’s Cup in Korea: also a Pokemon Sword and Shield distribution.
To grab it, just head to the mystery giftܫ portion of either iteration, and enter the code: EU1C2022G1FT. Again, you have until the end🧸 of the day.
Again this is for Pokemon Sword and Shield, not the other games. Given that Diamond and Pearl remakes and Pokemon Legends are in the wild, this is a rare occasion where there are three active games out, all of which are getting periodic 𓆏updates or promotions.
Pokemon Sword and Shield distribution code:
- EU1C2022G1FT
Published: Apr 25, 2022 02:07 pm