PSN gets Hotline Miami with an exclusive mask next week

 This article is over 11 yea🌳rs 🌟old and may contain outdated information

Cross-Buy on PS3 and Vita

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Just yesterday, it wasn’t a sure thing that Hotline Miami would drop for PlayStation Network ne🎃xt week, but now it is: Tue🍷sday has been locked down. This version, which supports Cross-Buy on PlayStation Vita and PS3, has an exclusive mask. Russell the raging bull makes the game look like that image up there when worn. Neat!

This was one of the only Vita titles I wasn’t able to play at E3. And, if you know me, you know that I tried. Again and Again. But every time I made it to the Sony booth, someone was on the Hotline Miami sta♔tion. It does seem like such an ideal match 🌳for the handheld.

[PlayStation Blog]

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Jordan Devore
Jordan is a founding member of Destructoid and poster of seemingly random pictures. They are anything but random.