Psychonauts 2 investors are getting guaranteed profits before the game even launches

 This aꩲrticle is over 5 years old and m🍒ay contain outdated information

Spurred on by Microsoft buying Double Fine

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Psychonauts 2 is getting made because enough people believed in it. Some of those people supported it like a normal crowdfunded game — chip in at a tier and then earn some rewards. But, because it was funded by , others made actual investments. They believed Psychonauts 2 would be a success and that they’d earn money by the game selling well.

Those investors will be rewarded, just not the way they thought. Last month, Microsoft announced that it had acquired Double Fine. As a part of that transaction, it also bought the Psychonauts 2 publishing rights from Fig. Because of♈ this, Fig will soon disburse dividends to 🔯anyone who invested.

In a message that went out to Psychonauts 2 investors today, Fig confirmed that it’ll be sending out first and final payments in mid-September. It’s a bit of a double-edged sword. On one hand, each $500 share will see a 139 percent return which amounts to a $196 dividend per share. That rate is actually higher than what Fig originally promised. However, investors no longer have the opportunity to earn more in the event that Psychonauts 2 is a wild success. That being said, most of them ar🀅e probably thrilled ❀to take the guaranteed profit.

Here’s the full statement that was sent to Psychonauts 2 investors:

As you may already know, Double Fine has recently announced it is joining the Microsoft family — we are excited for them to start the next stage in their journey of making unique and creative games and can’t wait to see what they do next. As a part of this transition, Microsoft has also purchased Fig’s publishing rights for Psychonauts 2, for a price of $1,035,000, which will provide a positive return to all investors in Fig Game Shares — PSY2 prior to the game even launching! Fig will also be paying out a dividend rate of 85% on the proceeds of this buyout to investors instead of the 70% listed in the offering circular for Fig Game Shares — PSY2.

Our goal has been to get fans involved in the financial funding and growth of the games that they love while providing for the opportunity to also participate in the financial returns. We are thrilled to be able to provide a positive return to passionate gamers who so generously contributed to this project! Based on proceeds from this deal, we will be making a first and final dividend of $696.00 per share (a 139% return on each $500 share) around September 18th of this year. As an investor in Fig Game Shares – PSY2, you have helped support Double Fine and the development of Psychonauts 2. The game simply would𝕴 not be wh🔜at it is without you.

[Disclaimer: Destructoid’s Darren Nakamura invested in Psychonauts 2‘s Fig campaign; because of this, he has abstained from covering the game.]

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Image of Brett Makedonski
Brett Makedonski
While you laughing, we're passing, passing away. So y'all go rest y'all souls, 'Cause I know I'ma meet you up at the crossroads. Y'all know y'all forever got love from them Bone Thugs baby...