Time to follow up from last year
Everyone’s favorite yearly blowout is here once again! A time of hype and disappointment, E3 never ceases to surprise me in at least one way. Last year was the reveal of Monster Hunter: World. That threw me off my seat when that was announced. I went nuts on Destructoid’s community Discord. 2017 was already a year of great games like Persona 5, so having E3 tell me 2018 was going to start with one of my favorite franchises was huge. This year’s got some big boots to fill to follow up on that.
Personally, I can’t wait to hear about some new signature titles on the Switch. Octopath Traveler is on its way, so keeping the iron hot after that would be a big deal. Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate has already been announced, but even with a universe of possible suggestions, I still want a steady stream of new Monster Hunter: World content to whet my appetite.
But what does the rest of the community here want? Surely more than a couple of jaded responses or canned answers? Let’s see what they had to see about E3.
Goemar named a game that’s Kingdom Hearts levels of complicated syntax, among other games:
Monster of the Deep II: Final Fantasy XV-II (as a prequel to Final Fantasy XV-II).
Doom 4.
Metroid Samus is Back and MHW surprised the crap out of me. 2 games I said would never happen even though they really really should.
Surprise me with something good that’s definitely coming out (aka not FFVII’s remake) and I’m happy.
Super Metroid HD (no crappy polygons) – make it happen Nintendo…
bdavis is feeling the second Christmas:
E3 is always an exciting time. Now that I’m an adult and Christmas has lost the magic that it once had when I was young, E3 has pretty much taken over as my time of the year where I get to feel like a kid again.
We don’t always get mind-blowing announcements, but it’s fun to watch the conferences and then run and talk to your friends about everything.
The Last of Us 2 is the only game I’m really looking forward to seeing. I’ve seen enough of Spider-Man, the preorder for the $150 edition has been placed. So I’m going into this years E3 with pretty low expectations and hopefully that will lead to something catching me off guard.
GamesWhisperer has got a modest list going on:
I’m hoping to see more on The Last of Us part 2, FF7 remake, Metroid Prime 4 and any new info on Pokemon for the Switch!
JPF720 has those pre-E3 jitters:
You betcha! It doesn’t matter if the previous year’s E3 was great or sucky, every time May comes around, I start getting those pre-E3 jitters, anticipating those 2-3 days when me and my buddies gather round to watch all the awesomeness/car crashes.
Kerrik52 invokes♔ an iไmpossible name with absolutely no confirmation:
LaTerry believes in the word of Nintendo:
I am very much looking forward to Smash news. My Smash hype is always a little over the top and knowing that it will be featured prominently at E3 just makes me so excited.
Major Tom believes shadows die twice:
More Switch games!!!! I’m actually pretty excited to see if Fromsoft teases more of that new game. Also Death Stranding…please please please be more MGS3/4 silly Kojima and less MGSV Kiefer Sutherland Kojima.
Wirong has something to look forwꦡard to despite being a specific genre:
Well, for MMO player, which i am, E3 is not very interesting, but I’d like to see some Borderlands 3!
sp testure mentions a game that got announced recently:
Um….. Rage 2? Also a morbid curiosity on how bad they’re going to train wreck the Final Fantasy 7 remake….
Zalno mentions the unmentionable, that is to say,﷽ online serv🔯ices:
I’m personally looking forward to seeing how Nintendo fucks up their online service and whatever their Virtual Console analog will be for the Switch. I mean, it’s Nintendo. It’s gonna happen.
The Smash Bros. tournament should be fun to watch, though.
NeoTurbo is barking up the From Software tree:
I know I am! I always look forward to any potential surprises, and I love hearing/seeing more about stuff I like. I’m hoping we get some potential Bloodborne 2 or Armored Core new from FromSoft personally!
Here comes the snark train from Dwavenhobble:
I look forward to the annual snark off me and a lot of other people have on Twitter. It’s like the ultimate attempt to hijack the publisher’s hype trains and crash them into walls.
Torch knows what the stakes are after last year:
The fact that most of Sony’s lineup will have to be different after this year.
Voodoome is hoping for Prime 4:
I’m hoping to see more of the FF7 remake. It looks to be in development hell, so it’ll be nice to see a sign of life. Other then that I’d love to have some new info on SMT5 and Prime 4.
2017 was a pretty solid year for games. 2018 is starting out pretty nice too, but we are living in a post SMO world now and I need to see that next game that completely takes over my life.
Absolutfreak promises nothing, delivers less:
I’m coming into it with no major expectations, but I’m excited to see how it plays out.
The only specific game that comes to mind that I want to hear something about is the next installment of Gears of War.
I’d imagine it’s way too early for a mention of Final Fantasy XVI, being that they are still working on content for XV. Some sort of new experience from Square Enix would be cool though.
Kevin Merserau is hꦿoping for one hell of a Devolver Digital follow up:
I’m crazy excited to see what Devolver Digital has in store for us! Even though it wasn’t an “official” part of E3, their presentation from last year was a delightful fever dream, and I have no idea how they’re going to follow that up.
Rip and tear, GameManiac, rip and tear:
I’ll play it by ear as I am wont to do. With some exceptions I don’t get uber excited about games before they come out as much as I once did and generally some of the best games of recent years were ones I didn’t anticipate liking as much as I did or ones that slipped under my radar that I later found.
Still if DOOM gets a follow up.
I mean.
I’m going to scream forever.
GoofierBrute is hoping for a great Nintendo Direct:
I’m mostly excited about what Nintendo has to show this year (I know, a Nintendo fan being excited for Nintendo news, shocker). I mean, we already know Smash is going to be there prominently, and they’ll probably announce some ports of Wii U games, but I’m curious to see what surprises they’re going to have up their sleeve. I mean last year was when they said that a mainline Pokemon game was coming to the Switch, and then dropped two Power Bombs by announcing two Metroid games, so I’m curious to see what surprises they have this year. A new F-Zero or Kid Icarus game maybe?
Do you have your own bingo card predictions fo𒀰r E3 coming up? Or are you keeping your expectations tempered? Leave a comment below and compare c🔜onspiracy theories!
Published: May 19, 2018 06:00 pm