Don’t you dare touch the Referee
For those of you who don’t know, I love to break games. As a hobby I like to push the boundaries of games and do the unthinkable. Be it Dark Souls where I have 9093093039039024241 hit points or make 15 foot tall basketball players. Well, after playing around with WWE 2K14, I’ve unlocked some NPC’s as characters. Technically, you’re not suppose to play with ring announcer Howard Finkel, but by hell we’re gonna play with him.
We’re going to go online, and have some fun. We might possibly send some wrestlers to the “negative zone” or maybe have Miss Elizabeth win a Hell in a Cell against some superstars. Even Paul Bearer might leap from the top rope. If you want to see something stupid or just plain broken, then you’ve come to the right place. Sit down and watch the circus because I always deliver the best entertainment for your viewing pleasure.
Honestly, I can’t remember a game that had actual cheat codes this day and age. I personally wish all these new consoles had GameShark or GameGenies because it would make my job easier. What are some of the games you guys use to mess around with or used Game Genie/Shark on?
Published: Nov 17, 2013 05:30 pm