Rage 2’s first expansion releases later this month

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Ghosts in the Machine

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Bethesda has announced that Rage 2’s first expansion, called the Rise of the Ghosts, will be releasing on September 26, 2019, for all platforms. Originally intended for August, the DLC will include a brand new region, new enemy types, a new vehicle, new weapon, and a new ability. This is all on top of the expected story missions, for w♏hich this expansion is set to continue the main plot.

Oddly enough, there isn’t a season pass for Rage 2, so you’ll have to buy the Rise of the Ghosts expansion separately. It will run you $15 (or 1,500 RAGE coins), or you can grab it in the $80 deluxe edition of t𒊎he main game -which will net you the second expansion when it eventu🃏ally releases-.


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Image of Peter Glagowski
Peter Glagowski
Former Dtoid staff member.