Red vs Blue to call it quits after 100 … NOOOOO!!!

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As Darth Vader once said: NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!

OK, well maybe I’m being a little too emotional, but it seems that after so many years of pure comedy gold the boys over at Rooster Teeth are pulling the plug on THE BEST machinima out there: Red vs Blue. If you’ve never seen this series, then I highly encourage you . Here’s the bad news straight from :

April 1st is a special day for us here at RoosterTeeth, as it marks the anniversary of the first Red vs Blue episode we ever posted, way back in 2003. We always want to pause on occasions such as this to thank all of you for supporting RvB over the years. We try to say it as often as we can; the people of this community do so much for us by keeping us inspired and motivated to create every day. And the sponsors especially deserve our gratitude by supporting us in (if I may borrow a phrase) “a rent and food” kind of way. It’s hard to believe that today marks four years of producing the series and with this week’s release, we are 6 episodes from Episode 100. It seems like just yesterday that we started working on what we thought was going to be a mini-series that was intended to run six episodes in total.

Producing RvB and getting to know the people who watch it have been two of the greatest joys of my life. That’s why we wanted to let you all know first that Episode 100 is going to be the last installment of The Blood Gulch Chronicles. One hundred is a great number, and it seems like the perfect place to call it a show. I am sure you have some questions about our plans for the series and beyond. We will be talking about all of that in the weeks and months to come, but I want to use this time to thank all of you for nearly half a decade of support. For now, it’s back to work. From the recent developments in the storyline, you may have noticed some loose ends coming together and we have a lot to wrap up in the last seven videos. We hope you will love them as much as the first seven or the middle seven or whatever it was that initially drew you to the world of Red vs Blue.

Sad pandas for everyone. 

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