Rumortoid: First footage of Silicon Knights’ The Crucible: The Evil Within

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More than just mere words on the Internet, the great Father’s Day marketing leak of 2008 this video of a title simply labeled as The Crucible. Here are some quick leaps in logic: Silicon Knights is working on a game for Sega, originally known as The Box; Sega trademarks The Crucible: The Evil Within, which is rumored to have formerly been known as The Box; this video is of some game allegedly called The Crucible.

Even though this is the darkest video on the Internet, you can make out what appears to be a survival-horror hack-and-slash title. We’re also seeing some standard Silicon Knights trademarks here, like shimmering portals to other worlds and gothic architecture. The music from Gladiator is a nice touch, too.

While no platform is indicated, the Sega-published Siliꦕcon Knights title is said to be in production for next-gen consoles. And for those keeping score at home, former Internet gossip gir⛎l mentioned this title last October. 

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