Epic recently released the above image on the Gears of War 2 official . If you go to their page and take a look at the huge image in all its glory, you&rsꩲquo;ll notice there are lines of numbers on the middle dog tag. The guys over at used their coꦅllective brilliance to deduce that the numbers 033-116-117-126-071 are really ASCII values that stand for “ESC-N-O-V-9.”
If you’re anything like me, you can never quite figure out what the hell license plates are supposed to mean. In this case, I think I have it. “ESC-N-O-V-9” probably stands for “Escape November 9.” Using my own brilliant powers of deduction at this point, I take that to mean that Gears of War 2 is probably going to come out November 9 of this year. This shouldn’t exactly be a surprise, as the game was supposed to hit this November anyway.
Regardless, keep in mind that this is a rumor. I’m sure no one’s wrong with this, but you can never be too safe. Ch♊ances are the Cliffster will be sure to reveal all at E3 this year any🤡way.
Published: Jul 8, 2008 07:33 pm