After a quick opening cinematic, Warframe shoves you right into an important decision. You have to choose between three options for your starting Warframe, but if you’re new to the game it’s almost impossible to kno🌼w what the right choice is.
Warframe can be daunting for new players. There are a metric ton of game mechanics, currencies, and upgrade trees to wrap your head around. Luckily, this opening decision isn’t a point of no return. Once you’ve played the game for a while and collected some resources, you’ll be able to pick up either or both of tꦦhe Warframes you missed out on at the beginning.
It’s still important to assess your options, though, because the Warframe you start with is going to have a massive impact on how you settle into the game. To make sure your transition into Warframe is as smooth as possible, i🀅t’s a good idea to pick the starting option that best suits your🐟 preferred play style.
This is arguably the Warframe that everyone should pick to start playing. Excalibur is perfectly adept at using a variety of guns, but as its name implies, the Warframe has some excellent melee abilities. Nothing will make you feel mꦕore like a space ninja than bullet jumping across the battlefield and using Slash Dash to slay multiple enemies with a single blow.
Excalibur is also welcoming to new players because it offers a good degree of survivability. The Warframe has an even balance of health and shields. You won’t necessarily have to worry about dying while you’re still mastering the mechanics of the game. If you want to spend the early hours of Warframe jumping around the battlefield and smashi🌄ng your opponents with a big ‘ol sword, this is the opꩲtion for you.
In the earlier game, Mag is squishier than Excalibur, but the frame has a much higher power ceiling. With the right mods and equipment, Mag can definitely be more powerful than Excalibur. For new players, though, navigating the path up that power curve 🌌might be a challenge.
On the flip side, Mag’s abilities are flashier than Excalibur’s and can be incredibly fun to use. There are times where the frame plays like a control class, with abilities like Pull and Magnetize allowing you to place enemies where you want them or to freeze them in place entirely. Bullet jumping also pulls loot into Mag, which can be a nice benefit when you haven’t unlocked your Warframe companion. Mag is more mystic than b🐎rawler, and if tha⛄t appeals to you, taking this Warframe is well worth the more challenging start.
We’ve covered what are essentially mele🐭e and spellcasting classes. That leaves the guns for Volt. Every Warframe can use guns, but thanks to its electric powers, Volt can literally sup🎐ercharge its shots. While you run around the field with this frame, a static charge builds up that boosts the damage of your next shot.
Like Mag, Volt has a high potential for dealing damage, but using it isn’t as cut-and-dry as Excalibur. You won’t start out feeling like a walking tank, but Volt’s abilities might make up the difference for you. Shock lets you shoot a bolt of electricity. Speed lets𓃲 Volt move like lightning across the ground, which loops back into its charging shot ability. There’s more to think about than, “Hit guy with sword,” when using Volt, but it’s potential for ranged damage can’t be denied.
Published: Oct 25, 2023 07:50 am