Shrek-N-Roll and Screwjumper! on XBLA this Wednesday

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This week we’re getting two new Live Arcade games: Shrek-N-Roll (800 Microsoft Points) and Screwjumper! (800 Microsoft Points).

will have you tilting and rolling to your heart’s content with single-player, versus, and local co-op modes. If any of you are seriously looking forward to this game and you aren’t a small child (with a horrible taste in games), I can’t help but wonder why.

Topher already told us about Xbox Live’s 100th game, , last week, so here’s a quick recap: in order to stop aliens from hurting you and performing other types of alien-related trickery, you have to destroy their mining equipment by free-falling onto various objects … alrighty then! There will also be competitive split-screen and Xbox Live multiplayer.

I’m not feeling this week’s games at all. How about the rest of you?

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Image of Jordan Devore
Jordan Devore
Jordan is a founding member of Destructoid and poster of seemingly random pictures. They are anything but random.