I know a lot of people are unhappy about the direction the Silent Hill series is headed in right now. For me, however, the biggest question after the departure of series staple Akira Yamaoka was how would the series sound moving forward. Konami brought in composer Dan Licht, known best for his work on Showtime’s Dexter series and for horror films including Children of the Corn. He seemed like a good pick, but I’ve found on several occasions that big-name composers brought on to projects like this tend to intentionally ignore the musical direction of past titles in the series, adopting an arrogant, “My way is the best way” attitude.
Well, not Dan Licht. In an interview published this morning on , Licht had this to say in response to a question regarding Yamaoka’s highly-praised soundtracks from Silent Hill’s past:
I familiarized myself with the style and history of the previous Silent Hill themes and musical cues. I wanted this game to have the same flow as the previous games while adding my own signature sound. It was important for me to understand where the music was coming from, the overall story, and the use of the musical themes throughout the game…
I was already a fan of Dan Licht from his work on Dexter, and after understanding his respectful approach to the Downpour I like him even more. Oh, and having listened to the soundtrack, I can tell you it’s not disappointing in the least, which was echoed in our review yesterday.
What do you think of Downpour’s directi𝓀on? Will you be checking out the game and its soundtrack tomorrow?
Published: Mar 12, 2012 01:30 pm